Katikkiro Mayiga should summon the Lukiiko come out with a clear Buganda position
Kampala, Uganda | KAVUMA KAGGWA | President Yoweri Museveni has been selected to oversee and provide political guidance to the legal experts tasked with the drafting of the East African Community (EAC) constitution on political confederation.
The decision was made by the EAC Heads of States at the 20th Ordinary Summit in Arusha, Tanzania on February 1, 2019.
On May 20, 2017 the EAC heads of state adopted the political confederation as a transitional model of the East African political federation.
The thorniest issue is regional integration; which means creating an East African political federation. Besides the high degree of political ineptitude among some people in East Africa, the people in Uganda say that they will never surrender their sovereignty to any other country.
Ugandans strongly believe that they fought for the Independence of Uganda to remain independent all the time and cooperate with other African countries on common services. Uganda will continue to fly its own flag and Uganda will continue to have its own government, parliament, and a president elected by the people of Uganda every after five years.
What Uganda will accept is to share the common services with other African countries. The common services are: airways, railways, harbours, research; including on veterinary and agriculture, trade and some sectors of communication. Oil production and export too requires cooperation; especially on building the pipeline from Uganda to the Indian Ocean.
Buganda rejected the Political Federation of East Africa right from the time of Kabaka Sir. Daudi Chwa II in 1921. Again in 1948, the British tried to establish it and the Buganda Lukiiko passed a strong resolution rejecting it.
In 1953, the- British Governor Sir Andrew Cohen brought the proposal again and Sekabaka Mutesa II refused to sign the papers and referred it to the Lukiiko. He demanded Independence for Uganda and told the Governor that it was time that the Protection Agreements made with Britain ended. The British Governor exiled him to UK for two years. But he returned in great triumph to Uganda on October 17, 1955.
The Baganda rejected the Political Federation because it was intended to abolish and completely dismantle the Buganda Kingdom and abolish the Luganda language and impose Kiswahili on the Baganda.
I call upon the Leadership in the Buganda Kingdom to resist by all means any measures or approach that may require them to accept federation. Katikkiro Peter Mayiga should summon the Buganda Lukiiko to debate the East African Federation and come out with the clear Buganda position.
The removal in 1994 of Margaret Zziwa from the position of the Speaker of the East African Legislative Assembly, when all the members, except Fred Mukasa Mbidde, ganged up and passed a motion of no confidence which removed her from the post of Speaker, added to the Baganda have of East African political federation.
this is a wonderful post, indeed there cant be eac and kingdoms at the sametime and thats why museveni wants it! he knows he can never achieve it with uganda alone since more violent groups than him have tried,
however he doesnt realise that even in the eac buganda will still dominate and thats why kenya and tanzania used to fear buganda needlessly since we are peaceful people who just love our kingdom
kenya feels powerful now because buganda is not in charge however if you look back you will notice that most of kenyas hard work is just to prevent uganda from overunning it
they hated the british for treating them just as a gateway to the buganda kingdom
peace to all who recieve Jesus amen
long live the king