Why the President ill-advised intercourse with the kiwempe balokole old-guard portends an anticlimax COMMENT | MATSIKO GODWIN MUHWEZI | It is an open secret that the laws of Uganda and its attendant machinery and political machinations are designed to give incumbents a head-start in electioneering. Any politician trying to …
Read More »No democracy without dissent
Arrest of Makerere University students protesting tuition increment makes a joke of our democracy COMMENT | MICHAEL ABONEKA | The right to dissent is by and large an extension of the freedom of conscience, expression, movement, religion, assembly and association enshrined under Article 29 of the Constitution of Uganda, 1995. …
Read More »Tariffs and intra-Africa trade
Significant reduction or elimination of tariffs would boost intra-Africa trade to more than 50% COMMENT | DAMALI SSALI | There are several factors that influence the value and volume of trade. However, tariffs on tradeable goods and services are one of the most significant. International trade grew dramatically in the …
Read More »COMMENT: Tariffs and Intra-Africa trade
Significant reduction or elimination of tariffs would boost intra-Africa trade to more than 50% COMMENT | Damali Ssali | There are several factors that influence the value and volume of trade. However, tariffs on tradeable goods and services are one of the most significant. International trade grew dramatically in the …
Read More »PUTIN: Russia and Africa cooperation has gained new momentum
COMMENT | VLADIMIR PUTIN | It gives me great pleasure to welcome you at the opening of the Russia–Africa Economic Forum. The rich history of relations between Africa and Russia has never seen an event of a similar scale. Members of government agencies and business community, and experts are …
Read More »DIGITAL TRACKING: A milestone for trade facilitation
DORIS AKOL: How IFFs reduce and eliminate growth benefits and undermine the development potential of our economies. COMMENT | DORIS AKOL | Illicit Financial Outflows (IFFs) are a major source of leakage of economic value from African economies. Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) can be traced back to commercial activities such as …
Read More »POPE FRANCIS: Every person should have access to adequate food
COMMENT | POPE FRANCIS | The yearly celebration of World Food Day makes us hear the dramatic plea of those of our brothers and sisters who suffer from hunger and malnutrition. Despite efforts made in recent decades, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is yet to be implemented in many parts of the world. …
Read More »Resources for agriculture in Uganda
Planning and allocating resources to agriculture must follow five principles and 20 interconnected actions COMMENT | MILDRED BARUNGI | “A world where food is nutritious and accessible for everyone, in which natural resources are managed in a way that maintains ecosystem functions to support current and future human needs.” This …
Read More »OPINION: Africa still a colony
OPINION | Julius Domba | Uganda this week celebrated her independence. The country marked 57 years since the colonialists from Britain left through the front door, but in my view, returned through the back door. In fact ,Africa is still a colony in the same way it was in the …
Read More »MUSEVENI: Hoima and Kaabong election wins show Ugandans love NRM
Entebbe, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Museveni has hailed his National Resistance Movement (NRM) party for their recent victories in Hoima and Kaabong. he said the victories show Ugandans have an enduring love for the NRM. “What the Opposition cannot kill, no matter how hard they and their …
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