In defeat, however, all FDC candidates and the the main parties hurried to wash themselves of any humiliation.
“It is FDC which has lost a member in parliament not NRM,” said Kasule Lumumba, the NRM secretary general.
And Wakida remained skeptical of Bobi making any impact in parliament if he schmoozes with the opposition.
“It (opposition) doesn’t have a significant impact on their performance in Parliament because the number is still small,” Wakida said. “Parliament works with numbers”.
According to him, Bobi win in Kyadondo East sends just one major message and it is to Museveni.
“The message it sends is that greater Kampala has firmly rejected Museveni because the NRM still failed to defeat a fragmented opposition which had three candidates in the race.”
But Bobi remains clear about his mission.
He says although he had always been political even in his songs, he took the decision to actively participate in politics after the 2016 elections.
“I was born in a political family but I grew up not wanting to associate with politics,” he said. “But as I grew older, I kept seeing things that I kept hoping someone would change but now one changed them and that is when I realised that if I want change I have to be that change.”
He said his turning point was after the 2016 elections when he realised that the change he wanted would not come.
“I decided that things can’t go on unchanged,” he said.
So he did something that no one expected. He chose to contest and also stand as an independent despite having a firm standing in both FDC and the DP.
He said that standing on the ticket of any political party would have diverted him from his agenda – of representing the ordinary citizens.
Lets hope he has an impact on this nation but all i see is him sitting in parliament doing nothing and then talk so much on the steps of parliament