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Home / Epidemics Tracker / Do not blame me for any COVID-19 deaths – Museveni

Do not blame me for any COVID-19 deaths – Museveni

President Museveni appealed to Ugandans to maintain social distance and wear face masks amid the rising COVID-19 cases in the country.

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Museveni has said that he has played his part in containing the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and can no longer take the blame if Ugandans start dying due to “carelessness”.

Museveni said people have not died in Uganda because initially, his directives were followed to the letter which led to a few people being hospitalized. He however said with the ever-rising numbers which currently stand at 657, it might be very hard to stop deaths.

His caution comes amid an increased number of COVID-19 community cases reported by the Ministry of Health coupled with the laxity amongst the population, the majority of whom have ignored advice to maintain social distance, wear face masks or even stay at home. Despite the increase in cases, the city is crowded and the streets are filled up.

“Those who were healed were healed because the numbers in the treatment centres were few and the doctors could concentrate on them. I appeal to you Ugandans for those whose activities we have opened up, observe the social distance, I beg you for the sake of yourself. Keep the distance, put on the mask don’t go in public without a mask.”

“The mask is not very comfortable but medicine apart from that of children is bitter,” Museveni said as he presided over the National Heroes Day celebrations at State House, Entebbe today.

He added that he is disturbed by images of Ugandans disregarding all the preventive measures against the coronavirus.

Museveni said although his ministry of health officials were planning for health facilities with 9000-bed capacity, he advised them to plan for 40,000-bed capacity and that places like Namboole stadium are being prepared to treat a big number of people if cases continue to rise. He warned, “if the numbers are too big, then they will overwhelm even the big place we have prepared.”

“Today, we are confronted by an enemy worse than the war of bullets that we fought. It is a biological war and the value of discipline cannot be over-emphasised. Without a cure or vaccine for Covid-19, it is our personal discipline that matters most,” he said.

The president added that Ugandan scientists are in advanced stages of looking for a coronavirus vaccine. He however cited corruption as the biggest impediment to the process. “Parasites go to hell; I’m really tired of those people who don’t care about the country but themselves,” Museveni said.

Today’s heroes’ day celebrations were supposed to be held in Lyantonde district however due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was shifted to State House. Esther Mbayo, the Minister for the Presidency said that even people who had been vetted to receive medals this year couldn’t receive them because of the same issue.





  1. Dear Dr Kabanda

    on behalf of the community
    did we “receive the message” ?

    If the RDC in Kayunga used a megaphone and people reported a positive case hiding in the ceiling,
    how do we get back to the expected practice ?
    the medium of comunication is interesting , at the same sitting a lady demonstrates how to put on a mask and then the gentleman uses another approach!
    the people demonstrating do not look like the majority of us, their masks look different from ours, they have good taps we have jerrycans etc
    Our taps are dry on and off, but we wash and then touch them to close!

    we also came to believe that this country treats people and they become better

    Some of the sanitizes at public places do not smell like the “real alcohol”, i mean enguuli

    Sir please repeat the message in ways like the ones that were used for Mukenenya, cholera
    keep reminding us
    Also teach us the steps for washing hands/sanitising then observe how we do it and correct us again until we perfect the act

    we saw village health teams from Fortportal/Kabarole, they are trying but not facilitated

    The steps followed for sanitizer and washing with water vary from person to person, how come yet we are washing off the same COVID-19?, even big people do not have uniform practice, now we hear they are our role models!

    But sir you also know the pyramid of needs, that is reason for our failing to stay at home

    I can assure you if the message comes in ways that we are familiar with we shall give you feed back by showing reasonable compliance

    • Tukahiirwe Ronald

      I tell u Ugandans let,s observe social distancing and mask wearing this will end, drop replies on what,s up 0777890784

  2. Ariko Emmanuel

    All blame goes to him if anyone dies; he once said that truck drivers shouldnt wait for test results, that they will get the results while on transit. All the cases we are having is because of his recklessness.

  3. To
    Our President
    His Excellency Meseveni,
    We appreciate your struggles for us Ugandans to stay away from COVID 19 virus but unfortunately we are stubborn,
    I live in the boarder district kitgum but Mr. President you said that there is no carrying a person on a motorbike or boda boda but in Kitgum is the opposite of your words .
    I will not blame you but the stubborn Ugandans, people are not observing social distancing, our people think they fools police by putting on face mask and removing it when they pass a police location, please my fellow Ugandans let’s listen to our leaders and God save our land Uganda.
    God add you more years Mr President.
    For God and my Country

  4. the number of covid rises due to contacts first by drivers,so govt is blamed when deaths arise

  5. Despite low quality of education Ugandans are not stupiid.
    The masks we have are nonsense, even good masks would be of no ise in an environment where water is mostly and in most places not available and the ever increasing rate of poverty under current rule does not afford people to buy soap.
    And therefore people can also not stay home! It is good advice from the president and his friends that are well stocked-up, but pure arrogance aggainst all the rest of us.
    If sick or old, stay home, if not you actually do not produce the feared droplets.
    But using our hands to wera useless and certainly not clean masks is doomed to increase Covid-19.
    Yes, use an iron to kill the bugs as proposed by the president! A question though: how many percent of Ugandans have electricity? How many can afford an iron and how many could pay Umeme for daily ironing (1200W on average)?

    • Even God who created you made others lame, poverty! Trace the origin of your poverty, don’t blame govt, this is the poor attitude of defeated Ugandans. Every govt has poor population, so you’re

  6. Let ugandans just 4llow the direrectives of the president,we shall cub the spread of COVID19

  7. Fortunate Bukenya Kibombo.

    I have a lot to say about and skills and tactics, which can really help to overcome covid 19 due to my research but would like to share it with president Museveni physically!! let me no when in time! Thank you! I remain Fortunate 0702390363.

  8. Ocola tonny bob

    His excellency, you have done more than enough but we African we don’t listen to advice but gratitute to u

  9. Andama oaj Wellson

    Thanks so much because all along I have not been in what did.

  10. government to be blammed for covid 19 deatrh

  11. Mr. President, you said that allowing in truck drivers was a calculated and manageable risk as compared to what u called “panicking”. And here again you are saying that the first COVID 19 patients were treated and got well because the numbers were not overwhelming so doctors could concentrate on the few numbers. Thats right. But Are u not contradicting yourself by saying that death will be inevitable when the numbers rise? What has caused the rise in numbers? Is it not the importation of the virus into the country? What risk did u calculate and prepare yourself to manage be4 u said ” it’s a calculated and manageable risk?” U should own up your responsibility in this mess. No one feeds on cargo so that stopping cargo trucks would be suicidal,like u’ve always emphasized! In summary, u’re to blame for all this!

  12. You need to learn how to appreciate.

  13. Emmanueltumusiime

    Mr.President,thank you very much for your efforts. One wonders the material in which Ugandans were created ! Protection is for one’s life and not any other. A face mask is for the betterment of one who is putting it on. I don’t see why Mr. President has to say this again and again.

    Here in Ibanda town many people walk unmasked. Those with masks instead put them on their chin. The Boda Boda riders still carry people. And nobody cares!!! Such are the Ugandans!!!!

    Now, so it should be, when you die, it is between you and your God.


    Our president is a very responsible President. Careless Ugandans whose minds are full of opposite thinking are the very ones disregarding presidential advice especially some idiots from central region whose brains are congested with raw politics. “wakina people power”

    • my brother he is doing good to those who get food and every thing that life needs. Now he has closed our businesses that give us to get what to eat and yet he lets the trucks bring the problem in. by the way do not even speak of peoples power!!!!! coz they have no problem with u.

  15. Thats the proof, having passed exams in Uganda you still believe contrary to all researh that God created you.
    I am lucky, Ii am not poor and have my education abroad.
    But most Ugandans have no worthy education and that is the basis of poverrty. This is also a scientific fact.
    Reseach (although it can be disputed wether socio-economic research is science) also shows that Ugandans are the most entrepreneurial people on this planet. Thats their only way to stay alive I would say.
    But do not blame Ugandans for poverty. Poverty comes with no good education, corruption and bad management!
    About the management: I saww an interestingg article yesterday about how Uganda is going to make us pay tax. A good initiative, all successful countries fight tax avoidanse. And some of the methods, digitalization etc. are good. BUT they are all “stick” no “carrot”. You certainly need stick to some extent but withiut carrot you cannott succeed! Why are Ugandans not paying tax is the root-question?
    And the carrot answer is: because they get little for the taxes they pay! Look at our infrastructure, education, health-care, utilities etc. And this is not because lack of tax but bad mnagemwnt and corruption! Current estimates are that 45% of funds to infrasteucture investments go ro bribes – thhe remaining 55% obviously do not suffice to goos roads, schools and not to mention the raiöways that are said to savve this country from Covid-19.
    Many Ugandans are becoming very reach in government jobs but year after year the majority gets poorer. This is a fact, not an opinion.

  16. ANGUANDIA Peacemaker

    Thanks your Excellency for your scientific and elderly advice, you have done your part and the rest now lies on Ugandans who claim have brilliant brain.
    Instead of following MOH guidelines, Ugandans are doing opposite yet the whole world is wondering the scientific method Ugandans are using in fighting COVID-19 including NEW YORK TIMES. Fellow Ugandans let’s take hid COVID-19 is real and take precaution, prevention is better than cure. Especially Church leaders who blames the President for suspending congregation prayers yet dead people does not worship but the living ones.
    Your Excellency on the issue of schools, it could be better to declare this year adead education year Candidates sitting for exams won’t make sense meaning next year there will be no students in candidate classes.
    God coupled with guidance given by our leaders have kept us as our motto says: FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY.

  17. Curfew must continue and transport to be stopped because parks and places where we board from there is no sanitizers, testing machines for COVID 19/CORONAVIRUS,now are we UGANDANS Safe from the disaster.Whether children remain homenl not to go to school,we TEACHERS can judge and asses to promote children to next levels,that.

  18. I leave in a district bordering Kenya, but to my surprise health centres don’t have even face masks for health workers so if the staff continue acquiring the virus, who is to blame? Is it the staff, the dhos, or the ministry? Please save our health workers

  19. I live in a district bordering Kenya, but to my surprise health centres don’t have even face masks for health workers so if the staff continue acquiring the virus, who is to blame? Is it the staff, the dhos, or the ministry? Please save our health workers

    • Very good question!
      Why are we spending billions on these musevenimasks that provide little protection to anyone, will never be used by most of us and will probably be distributed after Corona is gone (if ever)?
      Why not use this money on truly protective equipment to those frontline workers that really need the equipment?

  20. Our president should accept that he has let many people to die of lack of food in the name of lock down.
    the food is for only the few. Lets close this borders and open up with work in the country.
    we can even be more better than being locked.

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