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Early rains disorganize farmers in Soroti

Food Crops in Karamoja

Soroti, Uganda  | THE INDEPENDENT |  Farmers in Soroti are struggling to come to terms with rains that started in late January. 

Soroti and other parts of Teso have experienced heavy rains for the last five days, making some roads impassable and destroying the little harvest realized from last season.

Last season, many farmers counted losses across Teso Sub Region following heavy downpour that intensified in October. Most of the crops in the gardens were water logged with a handful of harvest. 

In Teso sub region, December and January are months of harvesting crops especially maize, sorghum and sweet potatoes among others. Farmers use the same period for clearing their gardens for the next planting season.

However, the annual routine was cut short this year when rains started pouring down heavily. Several farmers are unable to decide whether to start tilling their gardens or wait until March/April to embark on crop cultivation. 

Paul Oonyu, a farmer in Gweri sub county says although the rains appear serious, he cannot risk planting anything on the ground because he is not sure of its reliability. Oonyu claims that farmers have lost to such rains when they get excited to cultivate.

Florence Akwii, a farmer and businesswoman from Katakwi district says that although it is not easy to predict the reliability of the rains, she has prepared her gardens and will start planting soon if the rains continue up to next week. 

“Farming these days is like gambling. Just like business, risks are part of life and I am prepared for anything. I will put some seeds down as I wait for more rains,” she said. 

But James Peter Odiek, the Senior Agriculture Officer says the rains are abrupt and may not last long. He revealed that the rain equipment in district shows the rains will last about two weeks, urging farmers to utilize the rains for clearing gardens.

Records from Uganda National Meteorological Authority indicate that the country recorded the highest amount of rainfall in October last year in over 20 years. Odiek says last year’s rain forecast for the second season, January was expected to experience a little rain before the actual rains start later in March.




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