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FDC Katonga: Delegates to decide either to form a new political party or not

FDC Katonga National Chairman Ambassador Wasswa Birigwa speaking to party leaders from Greater Luwero district at Fatima Hall in Luwero town. On left is Retired Colonel Kizza Besigye listening to Ambassador Birigwa. PHOTO URN

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Forum for Democratic Change-FDC Katonga faction has concluded its National consultative meetings ahead of the delegates’ conference which will decide on the formation of the new political party.

In March, the faction led by Kampala Lord Mayor Elias Lukwago embarked on national consultative meetings to chart the way forward after they broke away from party leadership at Najjanankumbi.

The faction has since held consultative meetings in Busia, Wakiso, Rukungiri, Masindi, Hoima, Lira, Gulu, Mityana, Masaka, Kotido, Soroti, Amuria, Kitgum, West Nile, Ankole, Kigezi and Mbale districts among others.

On Tuesday, Retired Col. Kizza Besigye and its chairman Wasswa Birigwa held their last meeting at Fatima Hall in Luwero town to consult with leaders from Nakaseke, Nakasongola, and Luwero on the next course of action after breaking away from Najjanankumbi leadership.

During the consultative meeting, Sseguya Matovu the FDC Katonga Chairman for Nakaseke presented a resolution from the district where members asked the faction not to form the party as a result of anger but instead create a pressure group and join other forces of change to remove President Yoweri Museveni.

From Luwero district, the members failed to present a common resolution with some backing the formation of the new political party and others against it insisting that it may not help to liberate the country.

Some FDC diehards were concerned about losing their identity to the party they had supported for years.

From Nakasongola, the FDC leaders led by Solomon Basirika the faction chairperson presented a resolution where members backed the proposal to form a political party saying the Najjanankumbi leadership is irredeemable and under captivity.

Besigye told the leaders that liberating the country shouldn’t be tagged on the formation of the new political party.

He however explained that a political party is needed to accommodate two groups within the struggle including those who need party tickets to contest for elective positions and others who need a change of leadership.

Besigye added that it’s difficult to save the FDC Najjanankumbi because it’s captured by the state and they can only do so after removing President Yoweri Museveni from power.

Ambassador Wasswa Birigwa, the FDC Katonga National Chairman said the consultations have been concluded after the leadership traversed the regions across the country and all the delegates will convene on 2nd August to vote on the way forward.

Birigwa said that all varying resolutions from the regions will be presented in the conference and the majority will take the day on either to form a new political party or not.



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