Hoima, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Hoima Regional Referral Hospital has recieved Shillings 5.6 billion from the government this financial year for capital development. The hospital director, Dr. Sophie Namasopo, says that Shillings 4.5 billion will finance the construction of the regional blood bank, and Shillings 1.15 billion will finance the construction of a maternal and perinatal complex.
Dr. Namasopo further reveals that the hospital management in partnership with the ministry of health is already in the process of securing a CT scan, which will help patients to access timely services and reduce referrals to the National hospital.
She says soon, they will be undertaking the construction of an ICU.
She contends that the health facility is facing a number of challenges ranging from an inadequate budgetary allocation, which affects staff recruitment, their welfare, and that of patients.
According to Namasopo, the facility is also facing the challenge of inadequate accommodation noting that the staff quarters only take 20 percent of the hospital staff. She says that they are also faced with the problem of dilapidated structures.
Jackline Ayebazibwe, one of the patients who were at the hospital asked the management to expedite the process of establishing a regional blood bank to save the lives of people in need of blood transfusion. Kadir Kirungi, the Hoima LC5 chairperson, says the government needs to establish an independent district hospital for Hoima to decongest Hoima referral hospital.
He says that currently, patients from Hoima district, the city, and other neighboring districts depend on Hoima regional hospital for specialized medical services hence exerting pressure on the few available resources.
Brian Kaboyo, the Hoima city mayor says there is a need to allocate the hospital enough funding if it is to offer appropriate health services to the overwhelming number of patients. Asnansi Nyakato, the Hoima city woman Member of parliament says the government needs to upgrade lower health facilities in the region and equip them with enough drugs and human resources in order to decongest Hoima regional hospital.
British American Tobacco established Hoima Regional referral hospital in 1910 as a dispensary. In 1935. It was later elevated to a district hospital and in 2004, it was upgraded to a regional referral hospital. The facility serves a population of 3.5 million people from the nine districts of Hoima, Buliisa, Kiryandongo, Kakumiro, Kagadi, Kibaale, Masindi, Kikuube, and Hoima city.