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In The Independent: ‘Clueless’ Parliament and ‘lazy’ Executive

Lead stories in this week’s The Independent. Get your copy NOW at the nearest news stand.

Governance crisis `Clueless’ Parliament meets `lazy’ Executive

Governance crisis feared as `clueless’ Parliament and the  Executive fail to deal with major issues facing the country just weeks after the World Bank froze new lending to Uganda because of the government failure to fully use already borrowed money, and parliament declared it has no work.

Africa and the myths of FDI

Andrew Mwenda on why foreign direct investment is overrated and why Africa needs to cultivate local businesses.


What Uganda’s history since independence reveals about 2016

Kavuma Kaggwa predicts another major turning point this year based on our nation’s history since Independence in 1962.

This October 9, Uganda will be celebrating 54 years of Independence. It is a good point to look back and ponder what 2016 has in store for Ugandans. Looking at our nation’s history since Independence from the British colonialists in 1962 shows that years with the numeral `6’ have proved to be full of political adventure. Events that have shaped out country happened in 1966, 1976, 1986, 1996, and 2006. What will 2016 bring?

Beyond monetary and fiscal policy laziness

Renowned Investment Bank Onegi Obel proposes policy interventions to pull the economy out of the current monetary and fiscal policy laziness.

Tackling the medical internship challenge

When interns do not get supervised hands-on skills required, it leads in the long run to the standards of care dropping. So calls for quick interventions have been increasing as growing enrollments in medical schools across the country put pressure on the Ministry of Health budget, the few specialists, and even the few hospitals that can offer internship.

NSSF interest rate down to 12.3%

For every Shs 1 million you have saved with the National Social Security Fund (NSSF), Shs 123,000 has already been credited to your account as interest payment. Of course this is lower than the Shs 130,000 you received for every Shs 1 million saved in 2014/2015, thanks to the unfavorable economic environment that prevailed in the 2015/2016 financial year.

Guitarist Ouma, who has recently released an instrumental Jazz album and participated in this year’s edition of Coke Studio Africa, on choosing Jazz .

COMMENT: An essay by renowned African novelist and intellectual, Ngugi wa Thiongo, describes what has killed African inventiveness and innovation.




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