Mbale, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A new dispute has arisen within the Inzu Ya Masaba cultural institution involving the recently appointed head, Mike Jude Mudoma, and the former General Secretary, James Kangala Golosha.
This came to light in a November 11, 2023 letter authored by Charles Walimbwa Peke, the Prime Minister of Masaba cultural institution. In this letter, Walimbwa cautioned Kangala against mobilizing clan delegates for the planned 3rd general assembly.
Walimbwa notes that Kangala is assuming the role of General Secretary based on a November 17th 2023 letter, inviting delegates for the said assembly. Steven Masiga, the Communication Officer of Masaba Cultural institution, clarified that Kangala holds no position within the current leadership led by Mudoma.
He specified that Kangala served as General Secretary during the tenure of the late Bob Mushikori II, the former Umukuka of Masaba cultural institution. Masiga further indicated that Inzu Ya Masaba intends to pursue legal action against Kangala for misrepresentation and causing confusion among the Bamasaba.
He asserted that the genuine General Secretary is Herbert Mulakwa, the former Sironko District LCV chairperson. Kangala, when contacted by phone, emphasized the importance of the 3rd general assembly and insisted that Inzu Ya Masaba must adhere to the institution’s constitution.
Nelson Wedayila, a former speaker of Masaba cultural institution, urged the institution to heed Kangala’s concerns rather than resorting to threats. Wedayila criticized Mudoma for allegedly neglecting to consult with clan leaders and instead focusing solely on his cabinet, which, according to Wedayila, could lead to adverse consequences.
James Kangala and Nelson Wedayila were prominent figures in opposing John Amuram Wagabyalila in the last three years. They petitioned the Ministry of Gender and pursued legal action challenging Wagabyalila’s election as the cultural leader.
They advocated for the installation of Mudoma, claiming he was the rightful elected cultural leader of Inzu Ya Masaba after the passing of Mushikori in December 2021. Both Kangala and Wedayila were not included in any capacity during the cabinet appointments made by Mudoma.