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Janet Museveni directs on fees, exams


FILE PHOTO: Janet Museveni

✳ No extra fees when term 1 resumes
✳ No formal end of term 1 exams
✳ Term I could resume April 27th

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT |   The Ministry of Education and Sports has directed all educational institutions not to levy any extra fees when school resumes after the current break due to COVID-19.

First Lady and Minister of Education Janet Museveni also said exams for this term are called off. She made the announcements live on TV Saturday night.

She gave tips to students and parents on how to stay engaged at home, and said institutions should in the long term consider TV, radio and online as new ways of teaching.

If the pandemic is contained, she added, pre-primary, primary, secondary schools and Primary teachers’ colleges will open for the continuation of term-one on the 27th April up to 12th of June, 2020. Term-two would then start on 22nd June.

Universities should if all goes to plan, open for continuation of semester one, May 2, 2020.


▶ The 30 days will end on April 20th. The govt will inform stakeholders about the opening date for schools. However, if all goes according to plan,
Term 1 will open April 27th, 2020 to June 12th, 2020 – June 22nd to September 4th – 2nd term. 3rd term will begin on 21st September close on the 19th December and holidays are to be shortened.
▶ The Ministry is to organise lessons and has secured free learning airtime on radio to engage students that may not have access to online platforms. Teachers are encouraged to prepare material for the next terms and remedial work based on these lessons.
▶ No additional fees should be charged when Term 1 resumes.
▶ The Ministry has suspended any form of examinations during the #Covid19 crisis because some students lack the infrastructure to do them.
▶ There will not be end of Term 1 Examinations.
▶Schools will only have one mock examination by the Ministry.
▶ Should the lockdown be prolonged, the Ministry will also communicate and find ways of engaging the learners.







  1. Katemba Robert Robert Nec President

    What of tertiary institution

  2. May Allah have mercy for our country UGANDA

  3. Kyomuhendo Mansur

    Some like the teacher colleges, on April 27th,that’s if things move according to plans. Then, universities on May2nd.

  4. To my view I think schools would wait and open next term bse we have students from Nigeria and father countries who manged to cross back to their countries and yet same of those places still HV corona cases at high level .for me see it as privation is better then cure

    • I support your point

    • James Muombamungu

      Uganda is uganda en nigeria is another country. We thank GOD for his protection. Also thnx to the ministry of education for the love u have towards learners, keep wiz dat spirit en may GOD bless u. We’re so eager to back 2 schl

    • I think the time schools will be open is the more the virus will be spread en the number of patients will increase, we have to be aware of that, remember people come from different countries u can’t know wen somebody comes back, while knowing he is positive finally it will be the increase in patients, GOD HELP US

  5. Huh about for the parents who had already completed the first term school charges, what will you do for them?

  6. What if the disease continues to be spread highly all over Uganda?

  7. Mulongo hatim mukalazi

    When are are the 2020 university admissions going to be out.

  8. Mulongo hatim mukalazi

    That’s nice

  9. But if universities are to be resume their first semester on 2rd May, what will be the end of this semester?

  10. Then when will the semester end if it goes on as planned

  11. Akatwijuka Emily

    It will be hard for some student teachers who has exams like in may and which are their finals like at NTC kabale ,I can see some a going to lose their jobs, Let’s put our hands together and pray for our country and the neighbouring countries to stabilize as soon as this situation worsens

  12. If I were the minister of education,.I would say all students shd be promoted to the next more repeating

  13. Niwamanya Jackson

    The covid-1W9 holiday will further prolonged

  14. This issue of suspending UCU take-home exams is unfair. It is only a selfish few that were pushing for the suspension of the exams due to their selfish objectives which they have failed to communicate properly. Now we the non residents are going to be required to pay fresh hostel fees, travel from our areas as far as westnile to Mukono, provide our own feeding, which is all so expensive as compared to the take-home exams. What solution has the ministry got for us?

  15. Thz decision wl work koz the govnt may have nothing to do those parents who cleared tusion more so for universities and tertiary institutions, so hurting members!!!!

  16. Yesss!!, Those are the in-laws to school who fear learning now thy are saying thy shud suspend up to next term, Noooo!!!

  17. Mbakania Kule John

    I think for universities its more possible.
    Anyway we just pray this pandemic just blows away like wind and I hope this gonna happen.We just be patient and watch out!.

    • But why r we on hurry? Why don’t we wait at the wrath passes away?

      • How is this connected to the topic and issue at hand😅for how long shall we wait hinestly,we are humans and one thing God gace us is means of survival we shall get thru this

    • This goes to all Africans, my feral Ugandans and Africa at large please wake up your minds and think like humans, this thing called covid 19 it’s ain’t gonna end the way you people think, am warning you in adverse you better start looking for ways of surviving because this is just the begging of it ( the whites project). There here to wipe down the African continent don’t think it’s to end or there to give you a cure. No no no a thousand times, so am here by saying start looking for your ways of surviving this is there long ago project that is now being implemented. So better wake up please and stop dreaming .

      • Thank you i strongly agree with you , we have to fi d means of moving on , staying locked up in our houses ain’t helping as some people starve and get more depressed, the white man problems have always wanted to end us buh as a black race we still stamd strong and this has proved to be a threat to them 🙄💪so let’s wrk together as one and seek for the soln to this , we shall not wait for the problem creators to solve the problem !

  18. Kwesigomwe Deusdedit

    Almighty will protect the country, Always well that ends well

  19. Muteesasira mutwalibu

    I firstly thank our minister ..but mine is just a suggestion, we closed the term in seventh week where by some private schools had remained with only 3weeks to start end of term exams but in her communication she stated that no exams how are we going to close the term minus report cards….

  20. I think schools should wait b’se of the 52 cases so far, many are from kampala alone yet some of them could have made contacts in the city just before tests were done & the virus could be hiding in public. So, the human FLUX i.e students &teachers from kampala who are now in villages can get infected when they go back. Even those now in kla yet studying in upcountry schools can be a serious risk. We’re not yet sure of the extent of the infections since more discoveries are being made. LOCKDOWN SHD BE EXTENDED TO MAY OR EVEN MORE.

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