✳ Ruto- 49.91% ➡ 6,691,923 Votes
✳ Odinga- 49.41% ➡ 6,624,238
✳ Wajackoyah- 0.44% ➡ 59,404
✳ Waihiga- 0.23% ➡ 31,222
Nairobi, Kenya | THE INDEPENDENT | Provisional results from vote counting in Kenya’s general election indicate William Ruto has retaken a razor thin lead this evening after Odinga fell back for the first time in the day.
Ruto and Odinga may still fail to get the minimum needed to win the first round outright as they have been stuck at 49% all afternoon and night. The winner of presidential elections needs 50% + 1 of the valid votes cast and at least 25% votes in more than 24 counties
With 13,383,007 of about 14 million votes counted from 41,355 of 46,229 polling stations reporting, both Odinga and Ruto were stuck at 49%, hours before the final tentative results were expected to be announced.
Media houses in Kenya slowed down the counting in the afternoon amidst social media reports that results websites had been hacked.
The election body IEBC is however the only one authorized to declare the final result. The IEBC are now awaiting the arrival of all returning officers from across the country to verify forms 34A and B at the Bomas of Kenya.
The Daily Nation tally at midnight indicated veteran opposition leader Odinga had fallen a handful of votes behind with 6,624,238 and Deputy President William Ruto ahead at 6,691,923.
Kenya on Tuesday held its seventh general election since the introduction of multiparty politics in 1991 where voters lined to elect the country’s fifth president, members of the National Assembly, senators, and county governors.
Kenyans are voting for 16,105 candidates, who are vying for a total of 1,879 elective positions.
The elections were hotly contested, with President Uhuru Kenyatta backing Azimio la Umoja (Resolution for Unity) One Kenya Coalition candidate Odinga. The President fell out with his deputy, Ruto of Kenya Kwanza (Kenya First) Alliance. ■
Good news
KENYA, ONE COUNTRY – TWO PRESIDENTS (The final push.. part ll)
Three days after Kenyans went to the polls and we still don’t have a presidential winner…. it’s dead heat competition between deputy president William Ruto and Raila Odinga. So far, about 13m votes have been tallied giving an almost fifty-fifty share among the top two contending candidates. This follows a similar pattern of how elections in Kenya are highly contested…. only holding our breath that it doesn’t evoke the dark spirits of the 2007 post election violence. And as I’ve noted before, when Kenya is disrupted, the tremors are far and wide. But what went below the radar for the political pundits to miss….. Almost all the polls including TIFA and Ipsos had predicted Raila as the favourite over Ruto…. however, even when there’s no clear winner yet, Raila is trailing Ruto in most of the rift valley and the Mt Kenya area and he has also managed to eat into what is regarded as traditional hunting grounds for Raila i.e the coastal areas, East and North East, the western and Nyanza regions.
1. Old habits die hard….(the March, 1966 Limuru conference)
At independence, Kenya had showed political fractures along tribal lines.. like most post colonial governments, Kenya didn’t have the formidable institutional structures to contain the selfish pressures of individual gain and aggrandisement… therefore political positions were considered opportunities for amassing primitive wealth. For those who attained power.. meant that they were above the law and to those who didn’t were left vulnerable for political persecution and sometimes neutralised. This is what followed when Kenyatta ascended to power- at the formation of KANU, there were those who were regarded “conservative” and were on Kenyatta’s right-hand side and the “radicals” who were advocating for constitutional changes both within Kenya and the KANU party… Although publicly Kenyatta never castigated the radicals, he nevertheless fomented ways to deal a final blow…he had appointed Arap Moi to handpick delegates who would attend the Limuru conference.. this was a calculated move to prevent any dissenting opinion during the meeting..but finally, Odinga was arrested – Tom Mboya-killed. From then on, the divided country of Kenya was born. By preferring Arap Moi over his then vice President (Jaramongi Odinga), Kenyatta had helped to create two politically opposing creatures….on the one hand, he had created an alliance between the Kikuyu and the Kalenjin (the tribe of Moi) but he had also created an artificial rift valley between the Kikuyu and the Luo. And we see this playing out in the 2022 general elections. That even when one of their own (Uhuru Kenyatta) had vouched for Raila, it mattered less since it wasn’t a Kikuyu on the ballot- it mattered less even when Raila’s running mate is Martha Karua- a Kikuyu herself.
2. Hustler Nation Vs Dynasty….
Over the years, Kenya has come to reward its defenders generously. The Kenyatta family and Odinga family are two of the richest landlords in Kenya… between them and the white settlers, they control 60% of the arable land of Kenya. This places Kenya as a country of haves and have-nots…, following the high cost of living, Ruto’s message of a hustler nation resonated well with the rather hungry voters.
3. The Hegemony Breaker
After the 2018 presidential handshake and the building bridges initiative, the ordinary Kenyan was painted with the picture of old friends uniting to eat the country dry…this put Ruto into a messianic frame…as one who would get them out of the gauntlet…so, in a way, although Ruto was the serving deputy president of Kenya, by Uhuru joining hands with Odinga, he was considered as “anti-establishment”…..in a largely mirrored contest as a PROTEST VOTE
In view of all the above…..it matters less who becomes Kenya’s next president…it will be a country with two presidents.
Rajab Kakyama.
Ruto will won the election in Kenya
Ruto the 5th president of kenya
according to the results ruto is the next president