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Lessons for Israel from Rwanda

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Why Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should call President Paul Kagame of Rwanda for some advice

THE LAST WORD | Andrew M. Mwenda As Israel prepares for a ground invasion of Gaza to “destroy” Hamas, it is important to remind Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his confederates that this is an exercise in futility. Hamas is a product of the forceful occupation of Palestinian lands by Jewish settlers and the herding of Palestinians into segregated homelands akin to apartheid South Africa’s Bantustans. Israel can destroy Hamas as an organisation but not Palestinian resistance to this injustice. If Hamas is destroyed, another Palestinian liberation organisation will emerge from its ashes. And most likely, the new organisation will be more militant and violent. Besides it is Israel that created Hamas to rival Fatah; now its own strategy has backfired. Military incursions into Gaza will never end this conflict, only intensify it. The only solution is to get Palestinians and Jews to live together in two or even one state. Rwanda offers important lessons.

Israel claims it seeks security by subjugating Palestinians, grabbing their lands and keeping them under myriad humiliations. This strategy has led it to a horrible place: the creation of an apartheid state and the continuous brutalisation and dehumanisation of Palestinians. The irony is that Jews, who suffered one million and one humiliations for centuries in Europe, are repeating the same evils against Palestinians that had never mistreated them. It is no wonder it is the Europeans, who created their nation-states by cleansing their societies of Jews, who are now supporting a Jewish state to persecute and cleanse Palestine of Palestinians.

It is interesting how Europeans notions of modernity have created chaos wherever they have reared their heads. During the colonial period in Rwanda, Europeans used Tutsis to run a state that mistreated Hutus. Towards independence, they turned around and helped “liberate” Hutus during the 1957 “revolution.” But like in Israel, it was not a revolution changing the form of power, but changing the victims of that power. The Hutu “revolution” claimed to end the domination of Hutus by Tutsis. It replaced it with the domination of Tutsis by Hutus. This was achieved via the ethnic cleansing of Tutsis in Rwanda through mass murder and massive evictions that sent hundreds of thousands of Tutsis to exile. After attaining power, Hutu supremacists established an apartheid state where Tutsi were treated as second class citizens. Their access to almost anything and everything was restricted by state-imposed quotas.

Hence Hutu power recreated the very ethnic domination they accused the Tutsi of having presided over. Israel uses this Hutu script. Jewish power is exercised through discrimination of Palestinians. This is most evident in Gaza and the West Bank which are under Israel occupation. There, Palestinians ruled by an apartheid system have no rights whatsoever. When the Hutu apartheid state was challenged by the Tutsi-led RPF, Hutu supremacists sought a final solution to kill every living Tutsi or send them to exile. One can hear echoes of this when Israel leaders use barely coded words about invading Gaza to cleanse it of Hamas. Of course, they are not talking of Hamas but cleansing that region of Palestinians.

Back to Rwanda. In just 100 days beginning April, 1994, one million Tutsis and Hutu moderates were hacked to death. Although the genocide against the Tutsi was organised by the state, it was executed by ordinary citizens in the biggest democratisation of mass murder known to history. Friend murdered friend, husband killed wife and children, neighbour butchered neighbour, priests killed flock, teachers their students. The slaughter was ended when RPF overwhelmed the Hutu supremacist army in decisive battles. The biggest question after the genocide in Rwanda was: Could the Hutu and Tutsi live together peacefully?

Today, Rwanda is one of the most peaceful countries in Africa. Indeed, today people forget that in the mid 1990s, some of the leading scholars and “experts” on Rwanda argued that Hutus and Tutsis cannot live together. This belief was amplified by the horror of the genocide. Many scholars and “experts” even called for separating the Hutu and the Tutsi permanently. One proposal was to shift all Hutu to Burundi and all Tutsi Rwanda. Others said the two countries should be made part of a larger political community: Burundi be given to Tanzania and Rwanda to Uganda.

Yet today, Hutu and Tutsi live together, work together, dance together, dine and wine together, fight together, shop together, go to same churches, etc. How this came about provides important lessons for Israel.

Post genocide Rwanda rejected the politicisation of identity, the idea that being Hutu and Tutsi should define your place/role in the country. The second was not to criminalise all violence. Hence, most of the people who participated in the genocide were forgiven, criminal responsibility was left for the leaders of the genocide. The RPF has made every effort to ensure that Rwandans see themselves not as Hutu or Tutsi but as one people with a shared history, a shared present and shared destiny.

Israel’s mistake it to define citizenship largely in religious and ethnic terms – around Jewish identity. The stated aim of the Israel state is that it should have a permanent Jewish majority. Hence only 20% of its current population is non-Jewish. The rest of the Palestinians live in the occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank as a conquered and subordinate population without any rights. The attempt to artificially create a permanent Jewish majority in Israel has led it to exclude millions of Palestinians from its citizenship. These excluded live in the occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank. These territories are equivalent of Bantustans in apartheid South Africa and Native Reserves in USA and Canada. They are also the recruitment ground for Hamas. The Americans and Canadian experiment of subjugation of indigenous people and grabbing their land succeeded through genocide – too few natives survived. Can Israel repeat that?

Yet Israel does not need to repeat the evils of Adolf Hitler or the North American settlers or apartheid South Africa to be safe. It can allow total independence for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank (the two-states solution) or grant all those in the occupied areas citizenship (the one-state solution). But this would require that Israel reimagines itself not as an ethno-religious state but a liberal democratic state. It would have to avoid the temptation to recreate the modern European state based on ethnic cleansing. Instead, it would seek to build what Rwanda and South Africa have done  a state where membership to the political community is not based on identity.



  1. Mr Anderea Mujuni your exeggarated Rwanda story has never been put to any form of scientific test. Just wait for the day when there will be peaceful change of government from Tutsi_led to Hutu_led that’s what will validate your boring theory. Otherwise there is…..

  2. Mr. Mwenda, that” Hamas is a product of the forceful occupation of Palestinian lands by Jewish settlers” is so very wrong and a lack of factuals on your behalf in these matter.
    Furthermore, to state that it is Palestinian lands is too a lack of history in regards to the genesis of this same one.

    • Correction: Hamas – which is an Arabic acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement” – would probably not exist today were it not for the Jewish state. The Israelis helped turn a bunch of fringe Palestinian Islamists in the late 1970s into one of the world’s most notorious militant groups.

      If you had bothered to listen to former Israeli officials such as Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s, he later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”).

      This “reactionary group” Hamas is a creation of the Israeli government.

  3. Fair article.
    Though comparison with Rwanda is off! While Rwandese are the same people – only separated by aristocracy, the Jews and Palestinians are not. Two, Rwanda’s co-existance? I think the jury’s still out on this. Over domination by Kagame and his unending rule, hasn’t helped matters.

  4. 1.When you study the map of the Arab states.Israel is surrounded by liberal Arab states like Egypt,Jordan and Turkey which is good for both USA and Israel and has partly contributed to their long stay in the Arab land.
    2. Why do you think Biden and Blinken traveled safely to the Arab world despite the tense environment? The Mediterranean sea is a great trade and military strategy route for USA, Europe and North Africa therefore the world needs strategic allies like Israel to watch over it just imagine if the Hamas had control over that sea?
    3.Because of the threat of terrorism; most Muslims’s are on nations’ security radar.
    4.During war;other nations allow citizens affected to live in their territory;During the genocide in Rwanda for example;;they fled to Tanzania,Uganda the wealthy ones went to S.Africa and USA;how come we dont see states like UAE,Qatar,Jordan Saudi Arabia give the Palestinians refuge?
    5.Israel and USA understand the psychic of the Palestinians they are using children and women as human shields.Just imagine Israel even has the courtesy to warn you of the intended ground strikes but you still remain in the same place?Who is advising them not to live?By now; Gaza should have no single soul roaming around.
    6.The people of Gaza had bombs in their homes even if you throw a stone there are explosions.
    7. For the sake of long term peace,the Israelis who live near Gaza should all go for military training and they should be armed.It was so sad to see the Hamas picking them like flowers.
    8.Muslims are not corrupt otherwise by now;Israel and USA should have had double agents who work for the Hamas as well.
    9.Putin had to cause such diversion so that he travels to China.
    10.There is actually no economic activity in Gaza apart from identity crisis.
    11.Most Arabs have not been exposed to Western civilization thats why they are primitive;when you listen to the inhumane way in which they treat African domestic workers then you know there is a problem with them;Its high time the world exposes them and their habits and how religion is largely contributing to their cold hearts.
    12.No Arab state has condemned Hamas is it their equivalent of KGB,FBI,Scotland yard,Navy seal,MOSSAD or its an Arab scare scrow for Israel and USA??

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