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LIVE: Ugandan MPs set for Age Limit showdown

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Ugandan legislators have started arriving at parliament for Thursday’s session that is expected to discuss constitution ammendments, including the lifting of the age limit for the presidency.

Most Kampala television stations were broadcasting live from parliament, and several other spots in the capital that is gripped by the new constitution proposals by the ruling party NRM.

The precincts of parliament, reports indicate, are tense as the premises have been surrounded by police, anticipating a backlash from some citizens and MPs opposed to the lifting of the controversial Age Limit Art 102 (b).

The Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga and her deputy Jacob Oulanyah have received two notices of motion in relation to constitution amendments and are meeting Thursday morning with the business committee to determine if the two can be scheduled for the plenary session that is set to start at 2pm.

Parliament has received a notice of motion from Igara West MP Raphael Magyezi, who is seeking leave of parliament to introduce a private members bill to amend the constitution on issues which include the age limit. He has already got the backing of over 280 NRM MPs who discussed the ammendment in a caucus meeting on Wednesday.

Another motion before the speaker is from MPs opposed to the removal of the presidential age limit and seeking for the establishment of the constitution review commission to get views from the public about the constitutional amendment.

No marches, says Police

Ahead of today’s session in parliament, Ugandan police banned all protests set for Thursday when lawmakers debate plans to scrap a presidential age limit.

Police chief Kale Kayihura said in a statement that a planned protests was intended to cause “violence and mayhem” and urged demonstrators to use “indoor meetings” to express their opinion.

“Parliament should be left to debate without undue, irresponsible, let alone criminal, protest,” he said.




  1. We As Citizens Need Acountry Of Wisdom Not Country Of Ones_man Army Mzee Should Accept That Is Above 75yrs Even Me Who Was Born 1996 With Now 70yrs What Off?

  2. Ugandans let’s thank our mps who are on our side….

  3. My fellow Ugandans and our MP’s who there in the Parliament please let us join hands and rescue our country in the way of not changing the Ugandan constitution.

  4. “too much of every thing is dangerous” “da more u grow old da lowa da thinking capacity and strength ” what hapened in libya wil be seen in uganda also due to too much greed 4 pawa america wants 2 try dea exploisives m7 is jst playng he wil die lke gadafi

  5. I would support life president if there were no
    Misuse of government properties
    Poor roads, schools, hospitals
    Low payment of serval servant
    Murder everyday

  6. I am sory 4 our so caled NRM Mpigs who also have unemployd youths and children in dare const’cies

  7. For Ones Self Dv’t And Regional Dv’t Mzee Allow Other Youths Compete.

  8. Odongo Daniel okoth

    Uganda is our good country only that politics covered constitution.

  9. Who re this misleading M.P’ do they sound up right why remove age limit mze shouldnt make uganda afamily affair let him take look at what hapened to his counter part gadafi we love him so go home en become our advisor en lead ahappy stay without destruction to his family

  10. am praying the God who helped the Israelite s should also help Uganda as parliament looks through the age limit. let God help all the mps to vote for the right thing and we pray for peace in Uganda.

  11. led has pray God to rescure our country in Jesus name ”AMEN”

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