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Home / ARTICLES 2008-2015 / LRA kills UPDF officers, sparks confusion in army

LRA kills UPDF officers, sparks confusion in army


Ref summary attached

  1. The following is an update on the yesterday’s attacks:-

The attacks were in Nisistu and -Mile 30-detts of SPAF.

  1. In Nisitu 22 soldiers were KIA (killed in Action) including Maj. and a Lt. 35 Cas registered.

In €œMile 30€ 21 soldiers were KIA, 05 Cas and 30 MIA (missing in action).

A Lt Col was seriously injured

The UPDF signaller earlier reported MIA has reported back but the man-pack and tonifas were charged by the enemy.

The following charged:-

02 Pes of 12.7mm AAC MG

O3 Pes of 75mm Rec

02 Pes of 60 mm Mort

All available ammo

All available food

Establish the role played by NGOs in extending supplies to SPLA. The team intimated to me that there are some government officials that extend supplies to SPLA using NGO’s like the Norwegian refugee council, WFP etc as conduits.

Verify by using the records available through inspection the Infantry. SP arms and logistics, SP committed to the OP by the UPDF.

The team holds that the politicians in Khartoul1l had tried to block Khartoum from co-operating with UPDF in the Op on account that one of UPDF intentions was to leave a variety of arms with SPLA at the closure of the operation.

According to the team, the intention of close monitoring of deployments (troop & arms) is to ally the fears of Sudanese politicians and that withdrawal will have to be closely monitored.

Study the extent of trade relationship between Uganda and the Southern Sudan. The team holds that there’s excessive dumping of American and European commodities in S/Sudan (Including cars), which is affecting Sudanese economy.

Since the arrival,

The team has held meetings with AC, OOC, and 4DCO.

They have had guided tour to Bibia (present UPDF Eastern Axis Tac11Q) and Ngomoromo (The Western Axis present tac 11Q). The tours were held on 15th and 161h Mar 02 respectively.

(i).  On the visit to Bibia, 02 team members (Lt Col Adil and Capt .Jamal) together with Maj. Kaija made an aerial tour of 47B in Defence located 06 Miles North of River Atepi and Aswa confluence on Nimule€”Juba road.

(ii). The Div CO briefed other members on the current UPDF positions and also gave an update on the LRA current activities. He also informed the team how UPDF monitors LRA and has communication and has constant updates on their activities.

(iii) While at Ngomoromo, the team, with guidance or the OOC inspected the assembled SP arms.

General observations

Comdr be restricted from briefing the team as they release a lot of info: Briefing could be done by Int having discussed the contents with OP Comd.

General statements that LRA has moved out of the previously known camps dominate any discussion with the team nowadays. By this, they are trying to abdicate responsibility of handing over LRA and I have observed that SAF might finally help LRA relocate to completely new areas making it difficult for UPDF to locate them.

It evidently comes up that the bigger interest of the liaison team is to gather lnt on SPLA. Our relationship with the team should tactically curtail this ambition.

The ESO monitoring project may not achieve much unless it is redirected. I will give verbal brief on this.

NB:  I was attached to the team since their arrival up to 17 Mar 02, when they moved into their new location.


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