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Home / NEWS / Min­is­ter Tumwe­baze to be sum­moned by Par­lia­ment over SIMs

Min­is­ter Tumwe­baze to be sum­moned by Par­lia­ment over SIMs

Speaker Kadaga

Kampala, Uganda| PWATCH UG|  The Speaker of Par­lia­ment Re­becca Kadaga has vowed to com­mit ICT Min­is­ter Frank Tumwe­baze to the Rules Com­mit­tee for con­tempt over implementation of deadlines for SIM-Card reg­is­tra­tion.

Kadaga says that Uganda’s Ex­ec­u­tive has “dis­re­spected the voices of the peo­ple”, which is parliament. “This is un­ac­cept­able and can­not go un­chal­lenged,” she said.

“Ever since the is­sue of reg­is­tra­tion started, he has not had the cour­tesy to reach the House and to reach the coun­try…he has not even un­der­stood, not even to hear the dif­fi­cul­ties the peo­ple of this coun­try through their elected rep­re­sen­ta­tives,”said Kadaga after Tumwebaze announced that government would go ahead with the scheduled deadline of May 19 midnight to switch off unregistered or unverified SIM-cards.

“This was a sub­stan­tive mo­tion, it was on the or­der pa­per [and] if the Ex­ec­u­tive had any reser­va­tions on this mat­ter even af­ter the res­o­lu­tion was made, the min­is­ter should have had the cour­tesy of com­ing and pre­sent­ing a state­ment of ob­jec­tion to this House,” she said.

On Thurs­day, Par­lia­ment adopted a mo­tion pre­sented by the Leader of Op­po­si­tion Win­nie Ki­iza, to urge gov­ern­ment to ex­tend the dead­line of SIM-card reg­is­tra­tion to a pe­riod not more than one year.


Sim Card Press Release May 19th – Uganda Government by The Independent Magazine on Scribd



  1. Hi Readers, where does Kadaga get powers to summon? Has she become an executive? Its only the committees that can summon someone not the speaker. The speaker role is to steer parliament not to issue orders except during a debate. Discuss

    • Rwot, this was a substantive motion on floor of parliament. The executive had an opportunity to respond and even vote it out since NRM is the majority in parliament. I hope you have been around the country for some time and not the new arrivals who speak for the sake. Hon Kadaga is very right in the instant case unless you are a cohort free rider in the country.

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