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MUSENERO: Science and technology has fundamental role of wealth creation

Dr. Monica Musenero , Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, today launched the 2022 National Science Week and later visited the stalls of Bodawerk E-Trak (Electric tractor) and the Zembo Electric Bikes (below)

National Exhibition Week for Science (NEWS 2022) launched to showcase science and technology innovation

 Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT |  The government has today launched the 2022 National Exhibition for Science Week, (NEWS 22), Uganda’s annual showcase of science, technology and innovation to document progress made towards technological advancement to steer national development.

The week will be held between 6th to 10th November 2022 at the Kololo Ceremonial Ground under the theme Uganda 2040; The Future We want through STI”.

Speaking today at the launch held at the Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA) Trade Fair, where the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Secretariat is a platinum Sponsor, the Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Dr Monica Musenero said technological advancement in today’s world dictates that science and technology hold the key to the progress and development of any nation.

“As the world moves deep into the fourth industrial revolution, Science and Technology has taken on the fundamental role of wealth creation, improvement of the quality of life and real economic growth and transformation. The Government of Uganda has positioned STI as the vital driver for socio-economic development and transformation as laid down Vision 2040.

The National Exhibition Week for Science (NEWS) provides us with a platform to showcase innovations and technologies across all sectors that are steering us towards achieving the national development goals and fighting poverty.”

This year, the NEWS will focus on Aeronautics and Space Science; Mobility (Indigenous Motor Vehicle Industry); Pathogen Economy; Industry 4.0+; Infrastructure Innovations; Productivity Acceleration; Import Substitution; and Export Targeted Science, Technology and Innovation. Alongside we will show case innovations of relevant Support Services innovated to catapult the science led socio-economic transformation, as cast in vision2040.

The NEWS will come to a crescendo into the Celebration of the World Science Day for Peace and Development, on 10th November, 2022 where H.E the President is the Chief Guest accompanies alongside visiting Heads of State.

Our vision is to see Uganda as the best technologically advanced and most innovative nation in the region.

STI is a key driver of economic growth and a prime source of competition in the global marketplace. “At least 50% of global economic development is attributable to innovations and investment in STI,” Dr Musenero added.

According to NDP III, the government will invest in development of a solid eco-system through incorporating science education in primary, secondary and university curricula thereby making science and technology accessible at all levels of learning, partnerships between university research institutions and industry to make it attractive for human capital development and raising awareness of how research can drive high technology innovation and wealth creation.

“The government is cognizant of the need to invest in research and innovation for sustainable socio-economic transformation. A number of projects have been undertaken including: Research and Development in vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics; manufacture of both clean diesel engine and electric buses; construction of Uganda’s first satellite due for launch in November 2022; facilitating the adoption and local manufacturing of Industry 4.0+ technologies sector; construction of skilling and component manufacturing centres; among others. All these and more will be on display for the public to witness during the National Science for Week exhibition,” Dr. Musenero added.

A number of Ugandan innovators are expected to showcase during the exhibition

Through this activity, we intend to create awareness of value addition resulting from Science, Technology and Innovation, foster strategic partnerships with various stakeholders including public and private sector, and increase market potential of indigenous products in the region and globally so as to enhance Uganda’s competitiveness both within the region and globally,” Dr. Musenero said.

“The exhibition at the Kololo Airstrip is one that we are looking forward to especially as we showcase the innovations that are being championed by the enterprising youth of this nation. Opportunities to acquire the necessary investment and support to take these innovations to the market will also be presented. I encourage all stakeholders; government MDAs, private sector, academia, research institutions, development partners, the business community and the general public to come in large numbers and attend as we all play a part towards creating the future of our beloved nation,” she concluded.

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