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MUSEVENI: I love that man Trump

Who owns the resources?

Museveni also urged the forum to focus on who owns the natural resources on the continent.

“On issue of mineral resources, my question is who owns the minerals. With petroleum we have production sharing agreements (PSA) where the company which has exploration licences agrees with government to pay so much to regain what they invested and the rest is for government,” he said, adding that, it is not clear what the case is with other minerals including where companies own minerals but governments have loyalties.

“In Uganda, am not bothered with minerals because Uganda has been developing at a good rate depending on agriculture and industry. We discovered petroleum about 12 years ago but up to now we have not exploited it because I could not agree with those companies. They wanted to cheat us. I said no, the petroleum has been in the ground for the last many years it can stay there until we agree. That is because in my view, minerals should belong to the country,” he said.

Mineral rich Uganda

Museveni also emphasized locally based value addition for countries to fully exploit their natural resources for the benefit of their people.

“We have got huge reserves of iron ore in Uganda. Indians came and said they want to export soil to India and process it there. If they take as soil, they would pay $38 per tone. Our iron ore is 70% pure, one of the best in the world, only second to Peru. When steel prices are high instead of $38 per tone, you get$900. I said nobody will take an ounce of iron ore from Uganda until we agree.. up to now its still in the ground,” he said.

He revealed that the government agreed with the Chinese to process locally the lover version magnetite which they are using to produce steel.

On petroleum, Museveni said various companies tried to convince Uganda to export its petroleum from abroad and where discouraging the country from building an oil refinery saying it was not economically productive.

“I was told Uganda does not need a refinery because it was not productive and not economic that means those with refineries are Mother Theresas’ working for nothing. I went to Iran and asked how many refineries they have and they said they got 9 and building another 6. I said no refinery no oil. It is still in the ground until we agree,” he said.

What is TANA?

The Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa is an annual meeting that brings together African leaders and stakeholders to engage and explore African-led security solutions. Currently in its 6th edition the Forum is at the forefront of initiating dialogue with the continent’s policymakers and influencers.

The Forum complements formal meetings of African heads of state and government by assembling them in an informal, collaborative environment. In the spirit of gatherings taking place under the Baobab tree, the Forum offers room and space for panel discussions, interaction with the floor and bilateral talks to share views and experiences in a time efficient, results-oriented and open manner.

“Frank, relevant and candid dialogue is fundamental to resolving conflict and transforming societies,” explains TANA organisers.

The Tana Forum promotes African-led solutions by holding discussions on the strategic and pro-active management of African peace and security issues driven by the interest to contribute to stronger ownership of these issues.






  1. I like your thinking. We should begin to look inward,make proper developing policies,stop compromising our positions. Stop accepting anything that comes like beggers. It is only good ideas and reasonable implementation not just talking that can move Africa our dear continent forward. President, you are reasonable.

  2. M7 is quite right, the imperialists get so many useless reasons to plunder Africa’s resources, even after the lucrative slave trade, they aren’t done. They keep changing the game plan but with mischievous interests behind their mind.

  3. When abroad, museven reasons and talks sense of exactly what Africa needs to develop but here, millions are languishing in extreme poverty that leaves me guessing who exactly fails him back home. ‘oh kumbe Kabaka tayala wuwe’ the man gave a very brilliant speech, oba asigale eyo affuge ethiopia!

  4. If we are to stay focused on the issue at hand, Mzee (as the majority of Ugandans refer to President Museveni) has proven to be a practical philosopher of modern and post-modern African times. For the African sisters and brothers that have lived, studied or worked elsewhere from the mother continent would agree with me that for an African that strives to think and wish the best for his/her continent will often run into collision with those from elsewhere that harbor vested interests in our continent. Their interests often (if not all the times) run counter to African interests. Many examples have been given by this Philosopher of modern and post-modern African times including instances of Global “Development Organizations” advising African countries against constructing sizable hydro power dams because they “lacked” the capacity to consume the generated energy! Therefore thinking and wanting the best for Africa will not make you a darling to those with vested interests in mother Africa. Fake love has never counted. We prefer to be darlings to our own.

    We are lucky to be living in our times. The continent is coming closer by the day, intra-Africa trade volumes are growing, regional efforts are starting to bear fruits of successful conflict resolutions, all types of infrastructure are being laid to interconnect African regions and yes Africa is getting stronger enough to defend herself. As those that colonized and exploited us yesterday start to disintegrate, they are running back to us (Africa) for “partnerships” to sustain their economies and global influences. This time they are finding us very awake, self-conscious and ready to deal with them at own terms. As one African slang goes “Amaaso kulutimbe” vaguely translating “watch this space”

  5. I suppose this takes us back to the issue of Panafricanism. Museveni has good ideas and by far the best ideas that benefit Africans and Uganda as a nucleoside. I enen disturbs my mind that as the man goes around doing his job, there are fools busy doing nothing and idling with the Togikwatako bull. The fact that even MPs can fight in the house while Museveni is busy rotating around the world making ends meet for them, while they fight instead of looking at things that benefits their constituencies is clear a sign that we need the man, a thing that i never used to believe in, but now do believe. Our opposition is full of idlers and Nincompoops who are just arrogant and will disappear in vein while what this country has built for years goes down. The man has managed violence at local and advanced level in this country and by no doubt the Strategist driver this country needs. Now i am not movementist but believe me, i am gonna find a way to reach Museveni and advise him on what to do with this Togikwatako Furry, as the solution is just at my finger tips

  6. Museveni is no panafricanist and he would n’ t known panafricanism even if it sat on his face!!.

  7. Three main things that Africa needs to economically develop and without these three, it may as well forget.

    1. A strong collective military. First to protect it’self against external aggression. Secondary, it’s only, and I repeat only the military that can drive industrialization, not the private sector as most uninformed and people think.

    2. A strong economy controlled by Africans and this mean s we have to tear ourselves complete ly from this current feudal world economy that is meant to keep as slaves working for minority people in the West. And most importantly we must tear ourselves from the world monetary policy where worthless unbacked people is used to dupe people into purchasing precious unrewable resources.

    3. We must have an Africanist ideology. 50 years + after Independence and celebrated independence but we are still held behind colonial borders.
    This africanist ideology must be pushed by real leaders, not these clowns allover the continent l, but leaders who will put their continent first dispute the consequences.
    Lastly, this ideology must create self worth and build self esteem even it it means others viewing it as racist. This is how nations like Japan, China, and Western Europeans achieved what they achieved.
    They viewed themselves as special.

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