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MUSEVENI: Uganda to focus on 5 strategic issues in 2017-18

Opposition MPs Cecilia Ogwal and Winnie Kiiza listen to the SOTN. PHOTO PPU

Kampala, Uganda| PWATCH UG|  Pres­i­dent Yow­eri Mu­sev­eni has dur­ing the State of the Na­tion Ad­dress on Tuesday out­lined five key is­sues as ma­jor dri­vers to­wards eco­nomic sta­bil­ity for the coun­try.

The five is­sues in­clude, “peace, de­vel­op­ment of the in­fra­struc­ture and the hu­man re­source; wealth cre­ation, job cre­ation, and mar­ket ac­cess.”

Peace, the Pres­i­dent said, “means ab­sence of war but it must also in­clude ab­sence of law­less­ness.”

Al­though he boasted of hav­ing ended the 20 year civil war by the Lord’s Re­sis­tance Army, the Al­lied De­fence Forces in the neigh­bour­ing D.R Congo and cat­tle rustlers   in Karamoja, Mu­sev­eni said that the coun­try was faced with a few spikes of law­less­ness.

“Re­cently, there has been a spike of law­less­ness in the coun­try in­volv­ing the mur­der of AIGP Kaweesi, Sheikhs, Ma­jor Kig­gundu, Joan Kagezi, Chair­man Ok­ware in Na­mayingo, Rwa­mutwe in Bushenyi, the town clerk of Gulu, the Er­itrean busi­ness­man, etc.” he said.

“There [are] also nu­mer­ous break-ins in homes and some peo­ple were throw­ing leaflets threat­en­ing vi­o­lence,” added Mu­sev­eni

He blamed these de­vel­op­ments on what he called “a few gaps” char­ac­terised by lack of fund­ing on ac­count of com­pet­ing de­mands.

READ FULL REPORT  Re­cap of State of the Na­tion Ad­dress: key is­sues for strate­gic de­vel­op­ment out­lined HERE (click)



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