Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Museveni has explained that Uganda’s anti-homosexuality law does not target anyone for being a homosexual, but makes it illegal to recruit or coerce others. This he argued, makes the World Bank’s decision to cut loans to Uganda over the issue, illogical.
He said despite the World Bank decision, “I want to inform everybody, starting with Ugandans, that Uganda will develop with or without loans.”
Ugandans, especially the Bazzukulu.
Greetings. Things are moving well in Uganda in spite of the corruption of some Public Servants and some elements of the political class.
The Private sector in farming and manufacturing are the ones developing and transforming Uganda, in spite of the inconveniences by the corrupt officials.
That is why inflation is now 3.9%, one of the lowest in the world. However, the corrupt will be accountable for their betrayal and they will be weeded out.
Last night an official from the World Bank rang me to alert me about the statement from that Bank regarding the suspension of any new requests from Uganda for loans.
I want to inform everybody, starting with Ugandans, that Uganda will develop with or without loans.
As a matter of fact, many of the loans in the past, were being carelessly entered into by officials behind my back when they were completely unnecessary.
That is why some years ago, I put down my foot and forbade agreeing to any loan before my approval. Hence, we are now borrowing less and cautiously. Yet our economy is growing, other global challenges such as the war in Europe, corona, etc., notwithstanding.
If there is absolute need for borrowing, there are a number of non- Bretton Woods sources from where we can borrow.
Moreover, our first oil will start flowing by 2025. That will be an additional source of State revenues and also financial flow into the economy.
With discipline, patriotism and combating corruption, we shall thrive because our agriculture is there, our industries are growing and our services sector is expanding.
It is, therefore, unfortunate that the World Bank and other actors dare to want to coerce us into abandoning our faith, culture, principles and sovereignty, using money. They really underestimate all Africans.
I have patiently explained to some of the actors that merely being a homosexual is not targeted by this law. It is going from being a homosexual to recruit or coerce others into your deviance, that is targeted by the law.
If there are any residual illogicalities in the law, we shall identify them and handle them ourselves like we fought Idi Amin, the other
tyrants and extended solidarity to our brothers and sisters in Southern Africa that were fighting colonialism and Apartheid.
We do not need pressure from anybody to know how to solve problems in our society. They are our problems.
We are continuing to talk with the World Bank so that both they and we avoid this diversion if possible.
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Excellently answered the world bank. I congratulate our dearest President for this wonderful response to the world bank and the rest of the actors who whose ways are completely wicked and full of hypocrisy.
The world bank can keep back their weaponized loans and see if we will fail to excel. To hell with their demonised loans.
Gune Florence
No. We cannot do away with the loans. That is wishful thinking! Even China borrows money!
Alas it has finally landed… I have been patiently waiting for the Financial Arm of the Deep State (yes the World Bank) and Voila, it has finally crawled out if it’s Crypt and spewed out it’s venom regarding the satanic LGBTXYZ so-called “Rights”; that are Not Natural Human Rights. Amen.
It is the Same Economic Hitmen (Yes the World Bank) that Coerced us to revive the impotent and non-productive Multiparty Politricks for some ka Money, and we can all see how and where it’s going… Nowhere.
FYI most of that kaMoney never made a difference in Ugandans’ Lives, and mostly goes into paying the so-called consultants (Deep State Moles) and the numerous Corrupt Public Officials.
Now we have the opportunity to work towards Dedollarization; that the BRICS and the larger Global South have decided to adopt, to break the shackles of dependency on the whims of the Dollar Printing and soon to be bankrupt hegemony (currently straining under a $32.5Trillion debt).
Surely with our massive Human and Natural Resources, we have enough to run and manage our budget. Prudent management and zero tolerance to theft and corruption will save us billions of dollars.
Africa is Arising, and United, we can stand up to this Facist bullying, Leave the Traitors behind and Move Forward.
Let’s jealously Manage and add value to our Natural Resources, Build our Gold and Precious Mineral Reserves, and join the rest of the Global South.
Nothing to Fear here.
PRESIDENT M7: With discipline, patriotism and combating corruption, we shall thrive because our agriculture is there, our industries are growing and our services sector is expanding.
This is the real deal, I think. Bravo! We also have huge gaps for investment and that spurs Uganda to greater horizons. I think that mentality of loans-survival is the myopia that this enemy bank and others think they can use to bring people onto their knees; just like they have practically enslaved themselves on credit cards and credit history. I feel fortunate being Ugandans and not accustomed to these credit cards schemes, but growing up knowing where to stop in my expenses, planning on the purse and growing in it. We are actually better off without external long noses nosing into everything we do and planning counter moves that don’t benefit us. Let’s do it Ugandans.
On the other hand, if anyone / anybody has tried to bring you down e.g. by defaming you or trying to stifle you financially, that body is your enemy. Even when they sweeten themselves later on, they simply shade skin like snakes, but they remain lethal. I guess this is clear!
Wimbo wa Ndivyo ilivyo
Kila Kitu Chetu Record Umeimbwa na Halleluya ft VTB
Sikuinua sauti yangu
Juu ya kutosha kwako
Nilikuwa nikikimbia kama mkimbizi kila wakati
Kuhatarisha kukataliwa na watu wangu mwenyewe, ndio
Sasa kwa kuwa umepata kile ulichotaka
Hujui hata jina langu
Ni ya kuchekesha sana, hatuzungumzi tena
Kuwa mzuri kwa watu kwenye njia yako juu ya ngazi
Kwa sababu utazihitaji njiani kwenda chini
Ndivyo ilivyo (the way it is)
Ndivyo ilivyo (the way it is)
Ndivyo ilivyo (the way it is)
Ndivyo ilivyo, oh hapana (jinsi ilivyo)
Sikuinua ngumi zangu juu ya kutosha kwako
Nadhani ninaweza kujipiga begani
Kwa kazi iliyofanywa vizuri
Nikikwepa risasi barabarani, nilikuwa huko
Kuhatarisha kukataliwa na watu wangu mwenyewe
Sasa kwa kuwa umepata kile ulichotaka
Hujui hata jina langu
Kuwa mzuri kwa watu kwenye njia yako juu ya ngazi
Kwa sababu utazihitaji njiani kwenda chini
Ndivyo ilivyo (the way it is)
Jinsi ilivyo, ndio (jinsi ilivyo)
Ndivyo ilivyo (the way it is)
Ndivyo ilivyo (the way it is)
Na ndivyo ilivyo (jinsi ilivyo)
Ndivyo ilivyo (the way it is)
Ndivyo ilivyo (the way it is)
Ndivyo ilivyo (the way it is)
Jinsi ilivyo (the way it is)
Ndivyo ilivyo
Kuwa mzuri kwa watu kwenye njia yako juu ya ngazi
Kwa sababu utazihitaji njiani kwenda chini
Ndivyo ilivyo, oh hapana (jinsi ilivyo)
Ndivyo ilivyo
Kuwa mzuri kwa watu kwenye njia yako juu ya ngazi
Kwa sababu utazihitaji njiani kwenda chini
Ndivyo ilivyo (the way it is)
Ndivyo ilivyo
Kuwa mzuri kwa watu kwenye njia yako juu ya ngazi
Kwa sababu utazihitaji njiani kwenda chini
Wimbo wa Safi na Rahisi
Kila Kitu Chetu Record Umeimbwa na Halleluya ft VTB
Kila nikifikiria juu yako
Mimi hupata ubaridi kwenye uti wa mgongo wangu
Ni hisia ambazo sijazizoea,
Siwezi kuamini kuwa wewe ni wangu kweli
Mapenzi mengine ni magumu sana
Mioyo iliyovunjika na akili zinazopinda
Kisha ulikuja na Nimefurahiya
Kwa hivyo tofauti na nyakati zingine
Ni safi sana karibu ni takatifu.
Kwa ufupi, inahisi ya kimungu.
Ninakupenda tu safi na rahisi,
Safi na rahisi na tukufu.
Je, si ionekane tunayo. alitumia maisha yake yote
Kutafuta upendo huo kamili
Kama ndoto hatimaye tuliipata
Safi na rahisi
Vema, ni nzuri kwetu
Ni safi sana inakaribia kuwa takatifu
Kwa ufupi, inahisi ya kimungu
Ninakupenda tu safi na rahisi
Safi na rahisi, mtamu na mzuri
Ninakupenda tu safi na rahisi
Siwezi kuamini kuwa wewe ni wangu kweli
Safi na rahisi…