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Home / ARTS / ‘My NIN, My Birth Right’ rings out loud as Primary Schools drama festival climaxes in Mbale

‘My NIN, My Birth Right’ rings out loud as Primary Schools drama festival climaxes in Mbale

Pupils at their animated best in Mbale. They have shown creativity in adapting to the theme “MY NIN, My Birth Right”

To incentivize early birth registration, the government has waived fees for birth certificate applications for children aged zero to six months

Mbale, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) aims to hit two birds with one stone, when it supports artistic excellence, at the ongoing National Primary Schools’ Music, Dance, and Drama Festival 2024 in Mbale.

The Schools’ Music, Dance, and Drama (MDD) Festival 2024 not only celebrates artistic excellence but also underscores the essential role of National Identification Number (NIN) registration in securing the future of Ugandan children. The drama festival started August 25th and runs to September 2.

This is the third consecutive year that NIRA in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Sports and UNICEF-Uganda has helped fund the national music, dance and drama festival finals. At the festival, pupils are using their talent to highlight the importance of birth registration and the acquisition of a NIN under the theme “MY NIN, My Birth Right.”

This annual event follows a series of competitions that began at the lower primary school level, progressing through subcounty, county, district, and regional levels. Experts in Mbale have stated yet again, that the finals currently taking place at Mbale SS stand as a testament to the power of collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Sports, and, NIRA in driving positive channge by shaping the messages conveyed through music, drama, and poetry performances.

Why have a NIN?

Current statistics indicate that approximately 1.5 million births occur annually in Uganda. Without proper registration, many of these births risk going unrecorded, leading to a significant number of unidentified citizens.

To address this issue, NIRA has strategically utilized the MDD festival as a platform to raise awareness among various stakeholders. By integrating important messages into performances, NIRA aims to encourage communities to prioritize NIN registration and early birth registration as essential practices.

To further incentivize early birth registration, the government has waived fees for birth certificate applications for children aged zero to six months. This means that parents can now obtain a birth certificate for their newborns free of charge within this period. Early birth registration not only ensures accurate data capture at birth, but also facilitates the allocation of NINs, which are crucial for obtaining a National ID card when the child reaches 16 years of age.

At the festival, NIRA has set up a NIN registration center and deployed mobile sensitization trucks to further promote these important messages. Citizens are additionally encouraged to; take advantage of NIRA’s presence at the festival and in their communities to register for NINs, apply for National ID cards, register births, update personal information, among others. Taking part in embracing these services is not only a civic responsibility, but also empowers citizens to gain from the identifier including participating in the electoral process, among others.

“Through these efforts, NIRA continues to foster a culture of registration and identification, ensuring that every Ugandan is accounted for from birth,” an official at NIRA told The Independent

A NIN for every child

Over the past four months, primary schools from diverse corners of the nation have passionately been engaged in the spirit of competition leading to the finals – expressing themselves through the captivating mediums of music, dance, poetry and drama.

Under the theme “My NIN, My Birth Right,”, schools have ingeniously explored the benefits, requirements, and procedures of National Identification Number (NIN) registration in a meticulous way that challenges and supports the pupils to make meaning of identity while enabling them to express and communicate these ideas in the art form.

A school performs a song


What is a NIN?

The National Identification Number (NIN) is a unique number issued once to every citizen on the National Identification Register.

Through the enchantment of songs, poems, drama, creative dances, and traditional folk tunes, these young performers define what a NIN is and also convey the significance of NIN registration for every child in a compelling manner while enlisting the benefits that accrue therefrom.

The performing arts convey the following key points about NIN registration:

  1. Birth Certificate: A NIN is mandatory for obtaining a birth certificate. Children require a birth certificate to have full access to their rights and entitlements and to have legal proof of their existence, i.e., legal identity that is recognized before the law, both nationally and internationally.
  2. Education and Beyond: A NIN is a prerequisite for registering for the Primary Leaving Examination, and it also unlocks access to government services, including passports and driving permits.
  3. Child Protection: In cases of child trafficking or kidnapping, a NIN and birth certificate play a crucial role in proving a child’s age during legal proceedings.
  4. Financial Empowerment: A NIN can be used to open a bank account for children under 16 who lack a National Identification Card.
  5. Legal Support: A NIN assists in acquiring continued child support and inheritance rights in legal disputes involving children.

The performances also educate parents and guardians about the NIN registration process by emphasizing:

  1. Parental NIN Requirement: For a child to be registered for a NIN, the parent must possess a NIN or a National Identification Card.
  2. Birth Notification Record: Parents must request a Birth Notification Record from the health facility where their child was born.
  3. Immediate Registration: Parents or guardians should promptly visit the nearest NIRA office after childbirth to register the child and obtain a NIN. This registration is free of charge.

The festival aligns perfectly with the forthcoming National ID mass registration exercise, owing to the fact that through the creative expressions of these young talents, the significance of NIN registration for children, parents, and guardians is being effectively emphasized.



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