Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | In a significant move aimed at boosting the welfare of Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF) officers, Parliament has approved a Shs962.23 billion for the enhancement of their salaries.
This decision was presented by Wilson Kajwengye, the Chairperson of the Defence Committee of Parliament as the House considered the defence ministerial policy statement presented on Thursday, April 11, 2024.
Under the new salary structure, private officers will see their monthly pay rise from the current Shs485,279 to Shs828,426. Similarly, sergeants will receive an increase from Shs514,175 to Shs1,387,992, while warrant officers class 1 will enjoy a rise from Shs591,715 to Shs2,096,800. Captains will see their salaries increased from Shs845,638 to Shs2,736,333.
“The Committee, therefore, recommends that salary enhancement for the lower cadre staff of the UPDF and recruitment be prioritised and that the Ministry of Finance provide an additional allocation to the wage bill of Shs962.23 billion in the financial year 2024/2025,” Kajwengye said.
The proposal garnered widespread support from Members, who hailed it as a long-overdue recognition of the sacrifices and dedication of UPDF officers in safeguarding national security.
However, Hon. Rose Obigah (NRM, Terego District) raised concerns, advocating for similar enhancements for police and prison officers.
She stressed that security personnel across the board should be adequately compensated to effectively carry out their duties.
“The phased salary enhancement, do not forget the police and prisons, if you see what these people are paid you will cry and yet they are to provide for us security. What kind of security is being provided for you by a person earning peanuts?” Obigah asked.
Amidst the discussions, MPs also voiced apprehensions regarding the deployment of policemen and security nationwide.
Eddie Kwizera (NRM, Bukimbiri County) highlighted instances where the lack of sufficient manpower hindered the resolution of criminal issues, emphasising the urgent need for increased personnel in law enforcement agencies.
Presiding over the session, the Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa acknowledged the importance of bolstering Parliament’s manpower, citing examples from other countries where all MPs are provided with government-funded security. He underscored the need for adequate resources to ensure the effective functioning of the legislative body.
“Our MPs are at risk when serving the nation in their official capacity. In other nations every member has security, they have a Parliament Service Police. We have under deployed and we would want to deploy for your own security,” Tayebwa said.
Tayebwa’s comment followed Kwizera’s proposal that some institutions like Parliament were overdeployed.
According to the report, the Ministry of Defence will also continue with the phased implementation of the development of UPDF barracks which will include 1,400 houses at Shs100 billion.
The committee has also recommended Shs27.5 billion for combating insecurity in Karamoja, Shs56 billion towards the recruitment of 9000 personnel and retraining of up to 40,000 personnel, and Shs6.9 billion for the National Enterprise Cooperation (NEC) for research and development for Luwero industries. The committee also recommended Shs190.6 billion for land compensation under the Ministry of Defence among others.
According to budget estimates, the Ministry of Defence has been allocated Shs3.856 trillion, Ministry of Internal Affairs Shs74 Billion, National Citizenship and Immigration control Shs158 billion, Uganda Police Force Shs835 billion, and Uganda Prisons Shs329 billion.
SOURCE: Uganda Parliament
Dictator m7 now Targeting the fourth coming elections 2026, salary increment to only the updf
Haaaaa an indication of prolonging his overstay in power
Anti u know Ugandans via acknowledging simple things & they end up regretting in the end
That will stabilize our mother land soldiers will work with morale congratulations
It’s not true we know them very well
We thank the parliament for the approval we encourage them to do the best of the good of our beautiful country UPDF VIVA💕💕🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬
Am happy for our gallant UPDF. Indeed they deserve the pay rise. Thanks parliament for loving our army.
Wow congs to our updf fellows.security personnel play significant roles in the country’s safety and lets always observe and uphold theier efforts in all possible ways inoder to make them feel un left behind. Its also my humble request to parliament and all responsible authorities to enhance salaries of Uganda police force and Uganda prisons service as well because they aĺl work hand in hand to ensure security in Uganda. It is meaningless if only updf is motivated leaving there sister forces upf and ups.we therefore call for equity and recognition of upf and ups,the same should be done to them.it is these police officers who are guarding us say ppg,ct,general duties,ffu,astu,marine.etc all are essential. For God and my country
So this decision is for only UPDF what of police and prisons
Then this officers will do their duties accordingly
Good news. let them recruit more soldiers to safe guard our country mostly on the boarders. I myself, I also want to join UPDF & I serve my country UGANDA as a soldier. Anyway when is the next recruitment ?
We shall wait to see in July
Anyway we women of army are happy coz we have suffered alot with that small amount. Let me pray hard
It’s not true we know them very well. You wait you will see
That’s great wamaaa am equally happy, dedication and sacrifice also needs appreciation, thanks for that decision 🙏
When is the next recruitment
Instead of joining army and you also earn something, you’re there, sleeping badly and talking no sense.i know you
You tell me when is the next recruitment?
What about Uganda police Force and prison service they equally deserve the pay raise because they all do the same work, govt should think about it
Where will the extra money come from?
Nobody seems to care about the over-burdened and under-served Ugandan tax payer, as MPs propose all these huge expenditures unbothered since their salaries and benefits are assured.
Meanwhile teachers and doctors are unpaid for months, as roads crumble and public schools decay.
Over-taxed traders whose businesses are being choked to death have no say and, are viewed as slaves meant to toil and support bloated layers of elites in Parliament and State House.
Are Ugandan leaders serious?
U gor T , brilliant comment … i think U have some Sense in this
Enhancement should honestly be considered across board – All Lives Mater so all deserve equal treatment …There should be No *Animal Farm* here
that will b a positive step for our nation Uganda this should b done for all security agencies to reduce excessive bribery among officers
I think gov’t should not restrict the issue of age. Me personally, am very fit but am now 31yrs above 18 to 25 but very strong and ready to take a 12month training and refresher as well.
Government should also think about ug police and prison bse we do the same work
I wish other mps can think like honorable rose abigah MP rose abigah front telogo
Dont forget teacher
Atleast updf but mps are eating money for nothing.Let updf get money because they work harder
For sure it will carry no meaning to enhance salary for updf and ignore police and prison, coz in karamoja here I see police astu personels sleeping in kraals guarding people,s property together with updf.
Wewe it’s like giving water traveller water yet they are in water,why not to provide water to people in the desert don’t try comparing
At least UPDF not police
We know them they can’t put that money you wait you will see they like to deceive us
What about security companies
We shall wrk hard jointly with our sister forces as usual
that is the best atleast our members of parliament are now reasoning and understanding well
We know them they can’t put that money
The UPDF soldiers are ready to comply with the employment rules and regulations set forth as longer as the salary is as indicated
We know them they can’t put that money you wait you will see they like to deceive us
I don’t think salary enhancement will be implemented.
Bravo to the NRM discriminative government; a government of the few in the name of a liberation movement favours science sector at the expense of huminities. Ideally, transformation and development takes place through the effort of all teachers. As teachers of arts subjects, we felt offended when the president said that the stories of shakespear could not remove the Island at bujagali dam, but using arts knowledge that he has, he identified the problem and called upon the scientists to remove the island hence knowledge is always being utilised in collaboration. Why hate teachers of arts? President advisors, do you give guidance to the gov’t on how to provide equal treatment to the workers? If arts are useless, why not scrup them in the syllabus? Members of parliament, what is you role? Is it to feed your stomachs or to fight for equitable service delivery across all sectors? Workers’ mp, do you fight for equal rights of all civil servants or you have left NRM TO BE A FRYING PAN FOR ARTS TEACHERS?
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What of us who were innocently dismissed from army, charged with the following cases
RA/235790,PTE KAHEMBERA ELDARD 73RD BN,505 BGD,and 5TH DIVISION, detained for 80 days mabusu, remanded for 40days kinene govrt prison in PADER district and later sentenced to 2 years imprisonment to kinene govrt prison again but i managed to escape and i do appologise for it
You deserve death even
Am happy for the parliament of Uganda for the increasement of Updf salaries so sure they deserve because they are the one’s suffering sleeping in the bush to bring peace in the country
Train us to serve the country