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Home / NEWS / PLE: Arua School registers first grade after decades

PLE: Arua School registers first grade after decades

Saviour Orumnirwoth

Arua, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Lazebu Primary School in Arua District has finally registered its first grade in the Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) 76 years since it was established in 1948.

Last year, the school presented 53 candidates for the national exams, including 43 males and 10 females. Out of this, 1 passed in Division One with an aggregate of 12, 14 in Division Two, 18 in Division Three, 14 in Division Four, 5 failed, and 1 was absent for the exams.

Saviour Orumnirwoth, who made history, scored 3 in Mathematics, Science, English, and Social Studies. Orumnirwoth attributes his success to the commitment of teachers and other stakeholders who offered support during the academic year.

In the 2024 Primary Leaving Examination, Arua District registered a total of three candidates in Division One, including Orumnirwoth, who is the only one from a government-aided school, while two others are from private schools.

Stephen Agotre, the Head Teacher of Lazebu Primary School, says that this success was made possible with contributions from different stakeholders who worked jointly to improve performance in the school.

The school’s former students, under their umbrella body of Lazebu Primary School OBs and OGs Association, facilitated assessments to improve performance. Idiris Brahan, the President of the association, notes that this partly contributed to the success.

Saviour spent last year in the staff quarters, staying with the School Head Teacher to prevent him from commuting from home, located about 9km away from the school. The administration and other stakeholders are planning to support the candidate in secondary school.



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