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Police disperses PTA Meeting at Ediofe, Arua


Ediofe Cathedral Arua


Arua, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Drama ensued as Police dispersed a meeting of the Parents and Teachers Association– PTA  of Saint Kizito Orphanage Primary School in Arua District on Saturday. The General Meeting was convened to prepare for first term opening.

The meeting, called by Rev. Fr. Nakari Adiga, the chairperson of Bishop Frederik Drandua foundation, which is currently running the school, was blocked by Monsignor Kasto Adeti, the Parish priest of Ediofe Cathedral branding it illegal. He argued that the Parish, on whose land the school is located is responsible for convening the meeting.

Monsignor Kasto used radio announcements and mentions to cancel the meeting saying the protocol was not followed.

“This is to inform parents of St. Kizito Orphanage PS that the PTA meeting called for today has been cancelled because the organizers have not followed protocol, a new date will be communicated…,” Monsignor Kasto’s message read.

But still, more than 50 parents turned up for the meeting at Don Dino orphanage Centre despite the cancellation announcements. However, they were forced out of the meeting venue by policemen who were driven to the site in a private Landcruiser.

The action evoked bitter exchanges between parents and police personnel;

Monsignor Adeti maintained that Ediofe Cathedral parish headed by him is the rightful custodian of all the property the late Bishop Drandua left and instead accuses some of the parents of trying to grab the administration of the school for selfish interests.

But the chairperson of the finance committee of St. Kizito PS Robert Ajeku said Bishop Azeti is conniving with the headteacher of the school to swindle the institution’s funds.

He cited over 250 million Shillings that was allegedly withdrawn from the school account after illegally changing signatories to bank accounts. According to Ajeku, the move was crafted by the headteacher who has been kept around by Kasto even after expiry of his contract.

The rift between Bishop Frederick Drandua foundation and Ediofe Parish Cathedral started shortly after the death of late Bishop Drandua three years ago. Upon his retirement from Church service, Bishop Drandua retreated to Don Dino Orphanage Centre and started St. Kizito Orphanage PS, a children’s hostel and a Health Centre III, to help children and mothers from disadvantaged families in Ediofe and Pajulu Sub County.

However, after his death, Bishop Frederick Drandua Foundation was formed reportedly according to his will. The process was spearhead by Fr. Adiga Nakari and the foundation started assuming responsibility for the facilities.

But soon after, Ediofe Parish Cathedral led by Monsignor Kasto Adeti demanded to take over the management and administration of the facilities that the late Bishop Drandua left at Don Dino.

This rift has continued for the last three years culminating in the involvement of the security personnel on request of Ediofe parish.

By the time this report was compiled, a team of police, internal security officers, Bishop Frederick Drandua foundation members and PTA members had moved for a closed-door meeting at Monsignor Adeti’s residence.






  1. Conflict of interest in Ediofe Cathedral is very unfortunate, it has caused disunity amongst the Christians, this devalues the Catholic faith,involving security personnel into a religious conflict is a sign of total failure of Church management, am not passing Judgment but the one who called for that is heading to hell if he could read this post.This is a sign of High handedness of so called Parish priest Adeti,his name depicts the background where he comes from,simple he should have gone to the venue as a faithful to announce to the parents who are key stake holders in a respectful way that protocols were not followed.

  2. Our priests in Arua seem to be disobeying the authorities in the diocese.
    Infights are merely a sign of I discipline.

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