Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Museveni has in the past one week been active on social media.
The President through his Facebook page Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has been responding to comments from his followers.
On Monday, he posted on twitter his photograph taken while responding to questions on his lap top, on his flight to Yokohama, Japan to attend the seventh edition of the Tokyo International Conference for African Development (TICAD) summit.
In his Facebook post of 6,292 words, Museveni applauds a number of people who he refers to as the Bazzukulu (grandchildren) and responds to several demands and criticism about his government.
In the posts, Museveni also directs some of the government officials including State House comptroller Lucy Nakyobe Mbonye, State House Anti-corruption unit, Lt Col Edith Nakalema, Health Minister Dr Jane Ruth Aceng and Finance Minister Matia Kasaija to respond to some of the concerns from his followers.
While responding to a one social media user Mwaka Simon Peter who in his comment thought the President would not have time to answer all those questions, Museveni acknowledged being “hard-pressed for time” but insisted he could not ignore people’s concerns on social media.
“…I have now resolved not only to work through emissaries [MPs, Chairmen, Councillors etc), but to also use all direct channels to the population. Social – media addresses those with smartphones who are 8 million in number. Thanks for joining me for 2021,” President Museveni said.
President Museveni explains why he is not about to retire from active politics, explains why the Bombo beef project has stalled, and advocates for young people’s improved welfare through engaging in small scale enterprises in the four sectors of agriculture, ICTs, industries commercial and service sectors.
In another Facebook post by Henry K. Otafiire, he says that the symbolism of the photo of the Museveni speaks volume to his craftsmanship.
“A sagging and a loose tie, unkempt face, 4 acres’ oversize shirt, a room-sized laptop considered not so fashionable credentials of a cool President by all standards,” Otafiire writes.
Adding that; “Unlike Slim Shady with his sleek suits, President M7 keeps it real and original. He has understood the art of pulling off master-stroke PR stunts without much difficulty and polishing.”
Ron Azinga also on Facebook writes; “You are indeed an amazing leader! I like the way you take the time to read each and every one of our messages and reply accordingly. It will be an honour for my next batch of pupils to have a meeting with you. Thank you very much in advance.”
Katabs Andrew commenting on Museveni’s response to Bazzukulu said; “At this rate Mr President we shall start asking for your WhatsApp number Lol Since there is a price to pay when seeking for your appointment.”
Elizabeth Acomo also commented; “This is good, it’s really beautiful to see our president blend with the youth this way, at least with reduced bureaucracy of information sharing between H.E and youth, we believe matters of great concerns will always be addressed by our president.”
Muvunyi Gerard advises that the president summarizes his post to be read by many.
“You seem you dint sleep!! My advice is that this post is very long next time please summarize it a bit so we can read quickly remember Bazukulu are busy seeking money to eat a day. Few will read all these reply from you. However, I thank you,” Muvunyi said.
Michael Kazibwe says; “This kind of engagement has caught my eye. I believe even those who can’t directly access the president can air out their views. Mr President can you highlight on the issue of taxis in Kampala. KCCA [Kampala Capital City Authority] has totally failed to control traffic in Kampala.”
Ada Haki also says; “Since you tagged me in your post, my blood circulation has improved and I feel blessed. I am now going to fully support you. But can you now give me two (2) cattle to start my farm or some small money as capital to Start business [because] I am a poor boy from a poor family thanks in advance.”
Francis Francisco Vieta Senkooto says “Huh!! I would feel #big if my name I listed & probably change my mind to like & vote for the 7! Huh!!! Social media youth Penetration! Nice strategy! Hope to meet in person, cash in to spread more Gospel!”
Mariam Mohammed (@MariamM74220796) wrote “Eeeeh… I personally still can’t believe it’s the President @KagutaMuseveni replying to the bazukulu. But if it’s really thanks big man for sparing some time to interact with the bazukulu.
To my President the president of Uganda, His excellence Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. I am Mbaziira Godwin. A Ugandan living in Lungujja Kampala. I have written because I saw the homosexual activists writing to our president, advocating for an infirmity which they cherish and uphold as native, pretending to appear vulnerable and fragile, and in need of a special handling by the government and the Ugandan society. While they intimidate, and back at our leaders, and our society. Trying to shut others up not to complain about their wrong among the society, as they push their agenda, which is wrong and ungovernable through out history. Take a look at what went on in Sodom. LOT had to be helped by angles to blind these people who wanted to pull down his house, to sodomize the two people they had seen visit him. Can you imagine what kind of society this behavior had made Sodom to become? The other bad thing is that, history shows they came from young to old, to LOT’s house to sodomize LOT’s two visitors. Can you see the problem? Even the young coming with the old to sodomize together? What kind of society is that? No wonder it required God to intervene, because no man could bridle a mob of seared conscience under this vice. So if we cultivate and propagate this pollution of homosexuality, by denying our country a law against the vice, we would be betrayers of our motherland and dishonest to our children, if we trade their heritage into a feculent society.
It is our obligation as patrons and architects of the future of our land and our children, to put a law against such a vice. For it is the law that trains minds to stay alert not to derail:- by loudly distinguishing to us the right things from the wrong so as not to be blackmailed, when we have the knowledge provided to us by the law. And since knowledge is power, we are made able to stand strong to resist lures with our trained minds (the law being our tutor).For a law empowers the virtue of abstinence. For it stands as the reason to the mind, to reason and not to fall to indulge into filthy acts. So where there is a law; there is a reason, and it is the reason that offers life to the ability of abstaining. But if there is no reason; there is no virtue of abstaining. And hope you can see how dangerous that vacuum (of anarchy) is? And the strength of the law is by the strength of the penalties it carries, and the strength of the penalties, is the strength of the reason to abstain, and vice vasa.And ‘Reason’ is supreme master over the passions.
But let us see just what ‘Reason’ is and what passion in it’s different forms is, and whether the Reason is supreme over all of them.
Reason I take to be the mind preferring with clear deliberation the life of wisdom.
Wisdom I take to be the knowledge of things, divine and human, and of their causes.
This I take to be the culture acquired under the Law, through which we learn with due reverence the things of God and for our worldly profit the things of man.
Now wisdom is manifested under the forms of judgement and justice, and courage, and temperance.
But judgement or self-control is the one that dominates them all, for through it, in truth, Reason asserts its authority over the passions. But of the passions there are two comprehensive sources, namely, pleasure and pain, and either belongs essentially also to the soul as well as to the body.
Under pleasure, also, comes that moral debasement which exhibits the widest variety of the passions.
Now pleasure and pain being as it were two trees, growing from body and soul, many offshoots of these passions sprout up; and each man’s Reason as master-gardener, weeding and pruning and binding up, brings the thicket of dispositions and passions under domestication.
For while Reason is the guide of the virtues it is master of the passions.
Observe, now, in the first place, that Reason becomes supreme over the passions in virtue of the inhibitory action of temperance.
Temperance, I take it, is the repression of the desires; but of the desires some are mental and some physical, and both kinds are clearly controlled by Reason; for when we are tempted towards forbidden crimes how do we come to relinquish the pleasures to be derived from them?
Is it not that Reason has power to repress the appetites? In my opinion it is so.
Accordingly when we feel a desire to do violence of every description forbidden to us under the Law, we abstain through the predominance of Reason.
For the inclinations of our appetites are checked and inhibited by the temperate mind, and all the movements of the body obey the bridle of Reason. And Reason is proved to subdue the impulse not only of sexual desire, but of all sorts of covetings
Verily, when the Law orders us not to covet, it should, confirm strongly the argument that the Reason is capable of controlling covetous desires, even as it does the passions that militate against justice.
And the rule of Reason is likewise proved to extend through the more aggressive passions or vices.
For the temperate mind repels all these debased passions.
And the temperate mind is able, to win the victory over the passions.
For in the day when God created man, he implanted in him free will and also, at the very same time, set the mind on a throne amidst the senses to be his sacred guide in all things; and to the mind he gave the Law, by the which if a man order himself, he shall reign over a kingdom that is temperate, and just, and virtuous, and brave.That is what I wish for my country, my fellow country men, and our children (bazzukulu) I wish them a well secured future. May God bless you our dear president. We love you, and wish you well. I am Mbaziira Godwin in Lungujja.
Dear his experience am a youth from Mayuge kasugu ,but we as youths we have been left behind in the of wealthy ,so please kindly my request is to work upon the youth which I lead and I would like to become your campaign in 2026 . your’s faithfully Bukone Ben