Orem hails Marissa
The book, Staying Alive, has texts and photographs collected by historian Adrea Stultiens of History in Progess Uganda (HipUganda) and Marissa Mika, an anthropologist who did her dissertation on the history of the UCI.
“Curing Burkitt lymphoma was like magic,” Marissa is quoted by Hutch News of what she discovered about UCI’s achievement while looking at medical records internationally. “There was nothing like it in oncology at the time.”
UCI thrived in the 70’s according to Marissa. Only 6% percent patients were lost to follow up across all Uganda. Journals in the US were filled with progress about Burkitt’s Lymphoma.
Dr Orem hailed Marissa for her work, which he described as a milestone in UCI’s history, as it has enabled the institute to discover all its work that is scattered across the world.
He promised to add a museum to the new UCI building so that the history of cancer in Uganda and the staff who have battled it are recognised.
“I task Marisa to have all this content in a Medical Museum at the UCI. The continuity of the UCI that Prof Charles Olweny talked about is already happening,” Orem said.
Dr Orem hailed Prof Olweny for meticulously recording the UCI activities, plans and dreams. “The most inspiring things for how the UCI should be, were the writings of Prof Charles Olweny.” (read Prof Olweny Autobiography – click)
Orem hailed the partnership with The Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center.
“The Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center is one of our very key allies for our plan to reinvent UCI and regain the status that we used to have,” Orem revealed in an earlier interview reported by the Hutch News.
The Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center offered fellowships to young Ugandan doctors to study at Fred Hutch and the University of Washington. From only one oncologist at the UCI in the past decade, there are now more than a dozen physicians, eight of them Hutch-trained oncologists. Another 300 Ugandan scientists and 40 Ugandan doctors have undergone training in Kampala.
Cancer Machine Not Solution to Cancer – Uganda Cancer Institute ED Dr. Orem
The Executive Director Dr. Jackson Orem arrives for the gallery exhibition at @afriartgallery #UCI50 #StayingAlive #FightCancerUg pic.twitter.com/rKCYeJsvTT
— UgandaCancerInstitut (@UgandaCancerIns) August 18, 2017
ED of @UgCancerSociety and staff from @fredhutch sharing a light moment with Prof Charles Olweny at the art gallery #UCI50 #StayingAlive pic.twitter.com/TzzCpeg47C
— UgandaCancerInstitut (@UgandaCancerIns) August 18, 2017
Doctors sharing the rich history of UCI in the fight against #Cancer in Uganda! #UCI50 #StayingAlive #AwamuFightCancer pic.twitter.com/tEPr2s8MZ0
— UgandaCancerInstitut (@UgandaCancerIns) August 18, 2017
UCI staff and civil society sharing moments of the Cancer fight in Uganda #UCI50 #StayingAlive #FightCancerUg pic.twitter.com/Af0LOOmZBb
— UgandaCancerInstitut (@UgandaCancerIns) August 18, 2017
Getting a word from Marisa and her team who led the whole exhibition #UCI50 #StayingAlive #FightCancerUg pic.twitter.com/e7HdQz4aWt
— UgandaCancerInstitut (@UgandaCancerIns) August 18, 2017
Staying Alive! Meeting Marissa and some of the Founding Fathers of the UCI https://t.co/vHZt74I9bE pic.twitter.com/a26QKSGocS
— HIP Uganda (@HIPUganda) July 8, 2017
Am surprised to see the many people attend this event – Dr Jackson Orem #UCI50 #StayingAlive pic.twitter.com/J2a1M8W7Ra
— UgandaCancerInstitut (@UgandaCancerIns) August 18, 2017