Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The retired Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, Stanley Ntagali has been suspended from performing priestly duties over involvement in an extra-marital affair with a married woman.
This was confirmed by the Archbishop of Church of Uganda, the Most Rev. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu in his letter dated January 12, 2021, to the Anglican Bishops under the Global Anglican Future Conference- GAFCON. “It is with a very heavy heart that I inform you that my predecessor, retired Archbishop Stanley Ntagali has been involved in an extra-marital affair with a married woman, which he has acknowledged,” the letter reads.
According to Dr Kaziimba, retired Archbishop Ntagali has betrayed his Lord and Saviour, his wife and their marriage vows, as well as the faith of many Ugandans and global Christians who looked to him to live the faith he proclaimed. Kaziimba further notes that his predecessor betrayed the office of Archbishop, his ordination vows, and the moral commitments he championed.
He said that he has informed the retired Archbishop Ntagali that he is not permitted to function sacramentally, preach, or represent the Church of Uganda in any way until further notice, and assures the Church of Uganda that they are committed to transparency as well as pastoral care for those who have been affected by this situation.
“This is not a time for us to gossip. This is a time for repentance, a time for prayer, a time to examine our own sin and failings in humility, and a time to make all our relationships right before God. Please pray for the spouses in both relationships for repentance and healing in those who have committed adultery, and for justice and forgiveness to flow throughout our land.”
The Archbishop says that the Church of Uganda continues to uphold marriage as a lifelong, exclusive union between one man and one woman and that adultery is as immoral as homosexuality and that they will not shy away from their commitment to this moral standard.
He warns that if there are any church structures that have enabled such behaviour to be covered up, they are committed to identifying them and repenting of systems that protect abusers and harm victims.
“No one is above God’s law. We call on all who have fallen short of this standard to go before the Lord in prayer and confess your sin, repent of your ways and make restitution to those you have hurt,” Kaziimba advises.
Ntagali, 65 years, served as 8th Archbishop of the Church of Uganda and handed over office to Kaziimba on March 1, 2020, after clocking the retirement age. While serving as Archbishop, Ntagali was also the Bishop of Kampala and earlier served as Bishop of Masindi-Kitara Diocese from 2004 to 2012.
Following Kaziimba’s letter, the Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America, the Most Rev. Foley Beach issued a statement on Monday 18th on regard to Ntagali’s suspension.
Beach is the Chairperson of the Global Anglican Future Conference -GAFCON Primates Council. These are leaders of the conservative Anglican communities that among others, regard homosexuality as a sin. This is their fundamental difference with Canterbury.
Part of Beach’s letter reads: “As many of you have heard, the Church of Uganda has just shared that their recently retired archbishop, Stanley Ntagali has admitted to having an affair. Stanley is a brother in Christ with whom I have appreciated working beside in years past, and it grieves me profoundly to hear of this moral failure. It is my prayer before the Lord that he will continue down the path of repentance and that the Lord will comfort all those impacted by this sin.”
He applauded the integrity with which Archbishop Stephen Kaziimba and the Ugandan House of Bishops have handled the matter. “They have modelled Godly leadership and discipline for all of us in the GAFCON movement, please join me in keeping the whole Ugandan Church in your prayers,” the Most Rev. Foley Beach adds.
During his reign as Archbishop, Ntagali served with distinction for seven years and resolved disputes in various dioceses. He consecrated 21 new Bishops and oversaw the opening of three new dioceses.
He is also remembered for his stance against homosexuality, land grabbing and corruption.
The guy looks like an adulterer. The wife could file for divorce. The husband of the woman he fathered a child with could also file for divorce. Imagine such a man has been at the helm of the church for all those years deceiving people. No wonder someone said that God showed someone visions of a lot of bishops wallowing in hell. The Anglican church has betrayed the Balokole movement within their church. The majority of Anglicans are not born again and the church could be full wolves in sheep’s clothing. Leaders in this congregation should listen to the voice of God and stop living such lies and submit directly to the Holy Spirit. One can only imagine what kind of spirits have invaded such a church. Bible-believing Christians should abandon such hypocrites. They are taking people to hell instead of heaven. There was once a revival movement in the 60s in Uganda but the Anglicans quenched the Holy Spirit. The result is that they are remaining with monuments but not churches/the body of Christ. The church has allowed itself to be controlled by the Freemasons who contribute to their coffers.
Being give the holy communion by such a man will expose one to demons of adultery.
Being given the holy communion by such a man will expose one to demons of adultery. Christians should not allow such men to lay hands on them.
Achan was punished and the rest of the israelites went ahead to win the battles.
Let’s all pray for oneself
Satan is always closer to God’s servant’s in such event he feels joyful that he is about to overpower , we therefore need serious prayers and council the victim other than criticism. Though this is such a regrettable event.
All (including archbishop’s and all humanity) have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. This increases God’s mercy not reducing it. Let’s pray that God pardons him though us men may not forgive him.
There’s alot of sins going on in all churches but God’s grace is still sufficient. Avoid blaming him, even David did it, how about a mere Ntagali?? Pray for him and all families to heal.
Should we continue sinning that grace may abide? For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It TEACHES US TO SAY NO to UNGODLINESS and worldly passions, and to live SELF CONTROLLED, UPRIGHT and GODLY lives in this present age. ( TITUS 2:11-12)
For all of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. His sins are matter between him and his God. Whoever has never sinned should cast the first stone. After all he had retired from active church duties. On judgement day God will not summon any witnesses, each of us will will fight on his own. The circumstances that led Ntagali to fall in this trap should be investigated such that no one else falls in the same. Our Stanley at the moment needs support, not condemnation.
Lets observe the first person to stone him, the Bishop was forgiven by God after his apology
The evil one is out there close on us to pull God’s chosen ones down, let’s take heart and forgive as we pray for each other, otherwise if such a man of God fell victim how about the common believer at the bottom…. GOD’S GRACE FOR US ALL
As a Catholic and a lover of philosophy, I kindly request you to pray for the man of God. He is a human beings prone to error. Like the Bible says, all have sinned. Criticism will not help but praying for him. He has not denied like a number of people do. May the peace and divine mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ be with him and his family in this trying moment. May he strengthen him.
Surely the devil is very close to all of us fighting mostly Christians, we don’t judge him but need to pray for him and two families concerned. Joel 2:13, God is slow to anger and merciful. If only he repents, there is no sin that God can’t forgive. Let’s wake up and pray for ourselves and the church, the devil is roaring looking for one to devour
But iam not contented of the way the woman is itimitating the clagy.how could she prove to be worse than the devil? In this case she was not only the devil, because devil can be over came by prayers she was the lusifa himself which needs direct intervinsion from God without respect and heartless.she must ask for forgiveness from God because of her acts and words.REPEND OR BE AN OUT CUST.
He is a human being, so we have to pray for him instead of criticising him. We are all sinners so we don’t have any right to charge others. Let us pray for him to continue moving in the right path of Almighty.
No one is righteous in the sight of God, so let us pray that the Lord may forgive him.
If we say that we have no sin,wedecieve ourselves their is no trueth in us.you are the greater sinner,because the Bible says all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory. The Bible asked, if one falls down, can’t he wake up? LUKE 15:18 says, I will wakeup and go to my father and …….Nitagalis sinnes are not too heavey for God to clance We have not yet reached the rope of salvation. The shop is just REPENTANCE.
Iam not contented of the way this woman is itimitating the Bishop, her actions qualified her to be worse than the devil which does not need prayers but the lusifa which needs direct intervinsion from God. Heartless, shameless, she must ask for forgiveness from God and the church , SHE SHOULD REPEND OR REMAIN AS OUTCAST. THIS IS NOT DRAMA.
Iam not contented of the way this woman is itimitating the Bishop, her actions qualified her to be worse than the devil which does not need prayers but the lusifa which needs direct intervinsion from God. Heartless, shameless, she must ask for forgiveness from God and the church , SHE SHOULD REPEND OR REMAIN AS OUTCAST. THIS IS NOT DRAMA.