Gulu, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Rev. Fr. Charles Onen, the second curate of Holy Rosary Parish Catholic Church has been suspended from exercising sacramental ministry following his decision to join active politics. Rev. Fr. Onen has expressed interest to contest for the Gulu East Division Parliamentary seat in the 2021 general elections as an independent.
The decision has landed him a suspension by John Baptist Odama, the Archbishop of Gulu. In an October 5th, 2020 circular addressed to all priests and Reverend Fathers, Odama says Onen is no longer allowed to exercise priestly ministry.
“As a shepherd of the people of Gulu Archdiocese, I have the painful duty of communicating to you that, on 23rd September 2020 I had to issue a decree of suspension ‘a divinis’ for our brother, Rev. Fr. Charles Onen,” the circular reads in part.
Adding that “Consequently, Fr. Charles is no longer allowed to exercise his priestly ministry. Specifically, he is forbidden to exercise all the acts of the power of order, all the acts of the power of governance and any right or function attached to any diocesan office.”
In the circular, Odama reveals that he has convened several meetings with Rev. Fr. Onen over the past three months who has been requesting the Archdiocese to relieve him of active priestly ministry to enable him engage in active politics.
“I tried to dissuade him from taking such a step and I told him that the Law of the Church does not permit a priest to be involved in active politics and that a priest who does so would be suspended.” Odama explained.
He says Onen “turned this down and went and went on making choices contrary to the nature and requirements of his priestly status and the Law of the Church. Eventually, because of the public scandal caused by this serious offence, a formal canonical process of warning was started.”
According to Odama, on August 21st and September 7th, 2020, he issued the first and second canonical warning letters to Fr. Onen requiring him to desist from active involvement in politics and reform his life according to his priestly vocation.
“Since the time prescribed by the Canon Law to answer the warnings and to have recourse against the decree of suspension has abundantly expired and no written answer or reaction from Fr. Charles has yet reached me, I had no alternative left other than to obey the Law of the Church, which asks pastors to try disciplinary measures like the suspension from exercising the sacramental ministry as a last resort and attempt to correct those who go astray in order to make them reflect, repent and reform their lives.” Odama said.
Adding that “I now ask all of you, and all the faithful of your parish, whom you will duly inform with discretion and prudence, to pray for our brother Fr. Charles Onen, so that the Lord may help him to reflect on his situation, repent and reform his life according to the gifts and demands of our common priestly vocation.” Onen couldn’t be reached for comment by the time of filing this story.
He will face off seven other contenders including among others Nancy Atimango, the NRM party candidate, Christopher Okidi (DP), Emmanuel Mwaka Lutukumoi (Independent) and John Bosco Uhuru (Independent).