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Speaker summons Gender Minister over ‘Im­balu ban’

President Yoweri Museveni at the 2014 Imbalu celebrations. The Imbalu celebrations are promoted as a tourism event.

Kampala, Uganda | PWATCH UG| The Speaker of Par­lia­ment, Re­becca Kadaga has di­rected State Min­is­ter for Gen­der, Labour and So­cial De­vel­op­ment Peace Mu­tuzo to make a state­ment be­fore the House on a pro­posal to ban  the tra­di­tional Bugisu cir­cum­ci­sion cer­e­mony called Im­balu.

Mu­tu­uzo, while ad­dress­ing jour­nal­ists at the Uganda Me­dia Cen­ter last week, was quoted stat­ing that Im­balu is a bar­baric prac­tice, which de­hu­man­izes the prac­tice of cir­cum­ci­sion and also en­cour­ages sex­ual ac­tiv­ity among mi­nors.

The Bugisu Par­lia­men­tary Group on May 16, 2017 called a press con­fer­ence, where they re­buked the min­is­ter for what they termed as at­tempts to ban their cul­tural prac­tices and vowed to fight it.

Kadaga in­formed the House that she had heard me­dia re­ports about the mat­ter but asked that the min­is­ter pro­vides a state­ment to the MPs to clar­ify the mat­ter.



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