Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | State Minister for Works, Musa Ecweru has decried the fact that most of the engineers in the districts are not confirmed. The majority are not registered with the Engineering Registration Board and therefore not members Uganda Institute of Professional Engineers (UIPE)
Ecweru told journalists in Kampala that it is important engineers employed by the government are registered with their professional bodies so that they can be brought to account in case of any shoddy work.
It is a legal requirement in Uganda that for one to practice Engineering in Uganda, he or she needs to register with the Engineering Registration Board.
According to the Minister, many districts have employed individuals who don’t belong to their professional body or are not registered with the Engineering Registration. The Minister was addressing journalists ahead of this year’s World Engineering Day. The day will be commemorated internationally on 4th March under the theme: Engineering Solutions for a Sustainable World.
Uganda Institute of Professional Engineers (UIPE) provides that registration shows one’s peers and employers that he/she has demonstrated a commitment to professional standards, and to developing and enhancing professionalism.
Uganda Engineering Registration Board says about 1,800 out of over 20,000 engineers in the country are registered and belong to their professional body.
Isaac Mutenyo, the chairman of the Uganda Engineering Registration Board, says that these low numbers of registered engineers is partly because the registration was made optional, yet at some point it limits one’s operations.
According to Mutenyo, many engineers overlook the registration exercise, until they find themselves in dire need of doing it. He adds that the process is not as tedious as alleged, and only requires proof of qualifications, proof of capacity to perform, and a fee of 475,000 annually as a subscription fee.
According to Mutenyo, once engineers attain their diplomas or degrees, they have to practice under the supervision of a qualified and experienced Engineer for four years to qualify to be registered with the Engineering Registration Board. Some Engineers have suggested the need to repeal or make a new law that will ensure that whoever practices engineering meets the standards.