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SUPPLEMENT: This is why we should not ignore Climate Change


Empowering Ugandans with energy saving solutions and technologies

Green Bio Energy is a local social enterprise that is promoting efficient energy solutions and technologies in Uganda as a way of tackling environmental degradation and climate change. The Independent’s Ronald Musoke talked to Vincent Kienzler, the enterprise’s Managing Director about its vision, products and future plans.


Tell us a little more about Green Bio Energy and its initiative that promotes environmental sustainability in Uganda?

Green Bio Energy (GBE) is a social enterprise aimed at empowering the population with energy saving solutions and technologies to tackle the consequences of environmental degradation and climate change. GBE works with local communities and small independent production teams to manufacture and distribute improved charcoal stoves, and carbonised and non-carbonised briquettes. These briquettes and stoves allow the user to save money on his or her energy bill, while at the same time contributing to protecting the environment. GBE also offers training in briquette production as well as selling locally designed and manufactured machinery to empower individuals to start their own business selling charcoal briquettes.

What prompted your company to come up with this project?

The two founders noticed the need for a company like GBE after long observation of the Ugandan society and its environment. Over the last few decades, increasing urban population and its ever growing need for energy solutions brought the price of cooking fuel to new highs and caused deforestation to reach a critical juncture. The founding partners knew that solutions existed to curb Uganda’s deforestation so GBE was created to bring sustainable entrepreneurship and climate friendly solutions to the sector.

In which ways do your products create a positive impact in as far as offsetting carbon in the atmosphere is concerned?

GBE promotes different technologies and provides different services that are actively offsetting carbon emissions. Under the ‘Briketi’ brand, there are briquettes, improved cookstoves, briquetting machinery and entrepreneurial training and services. The briquettes are made from recycled organic waste and residue so no fresh wood is gathered to manufacture them. As such, trees are preserved and continue to play their role of absorbing carbon dioxide before it reaches the atmosphere. The briquettes also burn longer than wood charcoal, and don’t emit soot or smoke. On average, briquettes burn for two and half hours, compared to the 45 minute burn time of charcoal. As a result, less fuel is burned and people around the stove are less exposed to harmful emissions. Briketi improved cook stoves are made with durable materials and include insulating layers for higher efficiencies and more savings. A ceramic liner retains the heat and increases the thermal efficiency by about 40% compared to the traditional, local “sigiri”.

Furthermore, Briketi supports and promotes other energy saving solutions like solar powered technologies. Instead of using the traditional and harmful “tadoba”, GBE recommends using solar lanterns as it saves money; reduces emissions and creates a healthier environment.



One comment

  1. I am from South Africa, is it possible for me to import these briquettes?

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