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SUPPLEMENT: This is why we should not ignore Climate Change


Why should Ugandans care about environmental conservation and climate change?

Environmental conservation and climate change concern all of us— it is our responsibility to protect and preserve our surroundings. Without a concerted effort from all players in the sector, there might be no forest left in Uganda in 40 years’ time. All wildlife that depends on the forests would vanish, there would be more flooding, and more droughts. In addition, some areas of Uganda are prone to landslides after heavy rains, and such rains are likely to become more frequent and more violent with global warming. Recent studies on the impact of global warming have shown that developing countries like Uganda are the countries which will suffer the most from the impacts of climate change.

In what ways can government help organizations/companies like Green Bio Energy towards addressing the climate change challenge in Uganda?

It is important that everyone works together— government bodies and players in the private sector— to allow this transition to a smarter way of living and consuming. To promote energy saving innovations, the government needs to take steps to discourage the use of traditional fuel and technologies as well as promote the use of new energy solutions. This could be through effective monitoring and control of cutting fresh trees, putting in place responsible policies to promote replanting trees. The government could also put in place fiscal incentives such as VAT exemption, which is paramount for organisations like GBE to grow and reach financial sustainability. Our stoves and briquettes target the poorest, and as such must be sold at very low prices in order to compete with the products sold by informal organisations that do not pay taxes.

Your last word?

It is important to realise that initiating behavioural change and promoting the use of eco-friendly energy solutions such as ‘Briketi’ briquettes and stoves is a slow process. It is therefore important to be patient and think about the long term, rather than to think in terms of immediate impact and profit like most companies or investors do. It is in small increments that together, we can build a healthier and better world.



One comment

  1. I am from South Africa, is it possible for me to import these briquettes?

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