Africa’s largest oil refinery goes live in Nigeria as the continent’s largest oil producer seeks to cut fuel importation costs. The refinery promises to turn Nigeria from a net importer to a net exporter of refined oil. SPECIAL FEATURE | BIRD AGENCY | In a ceremony attended by heads of …
Read More »Africa’s debt financing in the spotlight as Rwanda makes case
Rwanda’s successful Eurobond repayment serves as a reminder that there is resilience in African bond markets, despite the “perfect storm” of COVID-19, high inflation and trade disruptions SPECIAL FEATURE | BIRD AGENCY | In the face of economic challenges, Rwanda has achieved a significant milestone by successfully repaying its $400 …
Read More »In the shadow of war, Sudan’s midwives nurture a new generation
As desperate civilians and expatriates flee the country, local midwives are stepping up and helping pregnant women bring new life into the world despite the intense clashes. SPECIAL FEATURE | BIRD AGENCY | In the heart of a war-torn Sudan, an ancient tradition is being rekindled amidst the chaos: midwifery. …
Read More »The supply chain problems created by a war in Khartoum go well beyond Sudan
Conflict in Sudan between rival military interests is not only impacting the country’s people. It also threatens the country’s fast-growing agriculture sector as well as its natural resources – including oil, gold and gum Arabic. Fizzy drinks and candy manufacturers the world over should be worried. SPECIAL FEATURE | BIRD …
Read More »Zimbabwe innovates technology to make fertiliser from coal
Zimbabwe is taking advantage of a technology used in South Africa and China, to develop ammonium-based fertilizers from coal SPECIAL FEATURE | BIRD AGENCY | A Zimbabwean government-owned entity, Verify Engineering, is preparing to use locally available coal to develop ammonia-based fertilisers as the country ramps up agricultural productivity. “We …
Read More »Solar-powered tricycles offer solution to transport problems in rural Zimbabwe
Locally known as ‘Hambas’, solar-powered three-wheelers, whose batteries last up to 100 kilometres on a single charge, are saving rural Zimbabwe dwellers hours of walking and chores. SPECIAL FEATURE | BIRD AGENCY | Small-scale dairy farmer Matius Khumbula has a new joy in his daily routine. The 70-year-old who hails …
Read More »Bridging the Vaccine Gap in Nigeria With AI
Nigeria has the highest number of unvaccinated children in Africa. Now, a novel AI-driven vaccination programme is showing the way to boosting vaccine uptake by up to 90%. SPECIAL FEATURE | BIRD AGENCY | Mariam Haruna has been struggling to keep up with her six-month-old baby’s vaccination appointments at the …
Read More »Transforming wastewater and solid waste into sustainable solutions
As more of Africa’s urban spaces recognise the importance of efficient wastewater treatment, one consultant is advocating public-private partnerships as a way to boost cleaner water, cleaner environments and in some cases, more energy for the continent’s cities. SPECIAL FEATURE | BIRD AGENCY | To Jean James, Africa’s fast-growing and …
Read More »West Africa edges East Africa as mobile money hotspot
West Africa now dominates growth in Africa’s mobile money sector Lagos, Nigeria| BIRD AGENCY | East Africa has lost its mantle as the engine of growth for Africa’s dynamic mobile money sector to West Africa, according to GSMA State of the Industry Report (SOTIR) 2023. East Africa – where the …
Read More »Agriculture and food: Africa’s economic engine
Agriculture is a sector that employs 290 million Africans and will be worth a trillion US dollars by 2030. And it is growing faster in Africa than on any other continent. SPECIAL FEATURE | BIRD AGENCY | Africa is leveraging its huge small-scale farming community to grow its agrifood sector and …
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