Egypt, Sharm El-Sheikh | BIRD AGENCY | The recent World Bank report urges African countries to increase their investment in climate adaptation lest they miss out on their development goals. As African nations push for more climate financing at the ongoing COP 27, a series of reports by the World Bank underscores the …
Read More »COP27 opens in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt | Xinhua | The 27th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) opened on Sunday in Egypt’s coastal city of Sharm El-Sheikh in hopes to turn global climate finance pledges into action. During his speech at the opening ceremony, Egyptian …
Read More »Egypt counts on COP27 to push developed countries to meet climate financial commitments
Cairo, Egypt | Xinhua | Egypt is counting on the upcoming 27th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) to obligate developed countries to honor their commitments to finance climate change projects and mitigate the effects of harmful climate changes, a COP official …
Read More »UNDP praises Uganda for Kiira Motors and drive to E-mobility
Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The United Nations Development Programme – UNDP has described as ‘promising’ Uganda’s speedy transition towards electric mobility as a lasting solution to the supply shocks of fossil fuel and its hazards. E-mobility is a concept of using electric powertrain technologies, in-vehicle information, and communication technologies and …
Read More »Debt-swap: African nations suggest a $685bn climate fix
African states are hoping to turn debt into climate action as they seek innovative financing solutions that include a push to restructure their sovereign debts to support climate adaptation and conservation projects Cairo, Egypt | BIRD AGENCY | Leaders of 58 countries vulnerable to climate change – including a group of …
Read More »FAO chief warns conflicts, climate likely to fuel more food crises
Bali, Indonesia | Xinhua | The head of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warned Wednesday that conflicts and climate-related impacts will remain as major drivers behind food crises, and called for resilience and more efforts for peace. Soaring global food prices sparked in part by the conflict between …
Read More »UGANDA: Private sector to fund massive land restoration
✳ Land restoration project set for 36 districts in Karamoja, Mount Elgon and SW Uganda ✳ 350,000 farming households to be more climate resilient ✳ Initiative is to see Uganda restore 560,000 hectares of land ✳ Target is to raise the forest cover in Uganda from 13% – 15% by the year …
Read More »COMMENT: The coming green hydrogen revolution
The choice between a costly, polluting future and low-cost energy alternative that secures us COMMENT | Jean Baderschneider | Human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread environmental disruption and affecting the lives of billions of people around the world. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the world faces …
Read More »African lobbies launch campaign to track expenditure of climate finance
Nairobi, Kenya | Xinhua | African campaigners on Friday launched an initiative to track the expenditure of climate finance in the continent. Charles Mwangi, head of programs and research at the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) told journalists in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, that the ‘Follow the Money’ campaign will …
Read More »African scientists say green future at stake amid deforestation
Nairobi, Kenya | Xinhua | The loss of forest cover in Africa, escalated by climatic shocks, poor land-use practices and urbanization could slow down the continent’s transition to a green and resilient future, scientists said on Monday. Speaking at a virtual forum from Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, to coincide with the …
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