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The clash of fundamentalisms

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the IDF Marom Brigade and met with soldiers from elite units. Photo via @IsraeliPM

How Netanyahu and Hamas have worked hand-in-glove to undermine the peace process in the Middle East

THE LAST WORD | Andrew M. Mwenda Israel’s genocidal bombing of Gaza continues with merciless impunity. Thousands of innocent children are being bombed in their homes, in hospitals and restaurants. Meanwhile, Western leaders, who spent most of last year angrily denouncing Vladmir Putin’s bombing of Ukraine, are silent. My own friends in Western embassies in Kampala who were shedding tears on the fate of Ukrainian refugees with moral indignation cannot raise their voice or finger at Israel’s massacres in Gaza. Instead, they ask us to condemn Hamas. But I am glad many citizens of Western nations – Christians, Jews, Muslims, Agnostics, atheists – are lining the streets of major cities to protest this bloodbath committed in the name of self-defense.

I choose to condemn Israel for Hamas atrocities. Hamas is a creation of the state of Israel. Israel officials have admitted this. They financed Hamas from infancy to maturity to undermine the PLO. They knew they were incubating a very virulent form of extremist political Islam. Many on the far right in Israel needed (and still need) Hamas to justify their genocidal intentions against the people of Palestine. Hamas is now strong and murderous because the state in Israel wished it to be so and also because the far-right profits politically and economically from its terror. Hamas is, consciously or subconsciously, an agent of the far right in Israel. It makes no sense to condemn the agent when the sponsor is there.

The important point is that Israel must bear full responsibility for the atrocities of Hamas. Hamas has been a creature of Israel in two ways. The first was active funding. The second has been the brutalisation of Palestinians. In both cases, Israel has helped to deliberately and inadvertently nourish its enemy. And, as I will show later in this column, large sections of the Israel right have been beneficiaries of Hamas’ brand of resistance. Israel’s problem is made worse by the over dominance of the security and military in its economy. When a country has a huge share of its GDP being based on security, it becomes ever more difficult to avoid the security-military industrial complex driving national policy towards those areas where such an industry makes money. Thus, if Israel policy towards Palestine is war, that is also partly because war drives the Israeli economy. When you add this to the appeal of the politics of hate-fueled identity, you get the kind of results we see in Israel.

Israel is a child of America. It copies America and always imitates it. In the 1980s, the Americans created the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan to fight Soviet communism. The success of the Mujahedeen resistance against the Soviets in Afghanistan informed Israel’s embrace of a fringe religious fanatical group in Gaza which grew into Hamas. These holy worriers of Afghanistan included among others a one Osama bin Laden. He used this training with deadly effect on 9/11/2001 in the USA. The Afghan Mujahedeen led to the birth of the Taliban, another virulently violent group. America returned to Afghanistan to fight and destroy this group. It left after 20 years and $2.06 trillion spent in a vain effort to achieve that goal.

Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestine, its dehumanisation and violence against Palestinians is the fuel that drives desperate Palestinians into the arms of Hamas. On the other hand, Hamas’ brand of resistance has strengthened the far right in Israel. Indeed, Hamas made Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Both are opposed to peace. Netanyahu came to power opposing the peace accords Yitshak Rabin had negotiated. This was because Hamas was attacking Israel civilians deliberately to foil the peace process. Netanyahu, though subjectively a virulent opponent of Hamas, became their strategic ally. He was opposed to the peace process. Hamas’ atrocities provided him the perfect justification for his views.

Netanyahu has since become a permanent fixture in Israel’s politics. He has served as prime minister for over 16 years, the longest any Israel prime minister has ever done. With the active assistance of Hamas, Netanyahu has shifted Israel politics to the right. He has used every atrocity by Hamas to launch his own bloodbath in Palestine. In the process, he projects himself as the defender of the Jewish people against a violent opponent. This is what has kept his political fortunes going. On the other hand, Hamas uses his massacres to recruit young Palestinians into radical extremism. The two sides therefore keep feeding on each other.

As things stand, the moderate forces that want peace in Palestine and Israel have been out-witted, out-foxed and out-smarted by Hamas and Netanyahu. The moderate Palestinian Authority under Mahmoud Abbas looks weak and compromised to defend its people. The liberals in Israel look the same – weak.

Yet there is a silver lining to this story. It is about the hypocrisy of Western powers. For most of last year, they spent hours lecturing the world on how bad Putin is. They said bombing of civilian targets is a war crime. Indeed, they used the ICC to indict him for war crimes; specifically the killing of children. Now their own boy, Bibi, is doing exactly the same thing yet their tongues seem tied, their voices silent.

So, what happened to all the moral indignation about Ukraine? Israel has blocked all food, water, electricity and medicines to enter Gaza. How is denying children and pregnant mothers such basic necessities as food and water a war against Hamas? How does cutting off electricity to hospitals where little babies are in incubators become a war to destroy Hamas? Isn’t such action clearly an attempt to exterminate in whole or in part and entire people? Isn’t that the legal definition of genocide? How can Israel claim to be invading Gaza, a territory it already occupies, a people it has kept as hostages in refugee camps and under a ruthless system of apartheid? Essentially, Israel is invading itself.

While I am frustrated and disappointed by most of the political leaders of the so-called liberal democracies, I am at least impressed by their citizens who have come out to protest Netanyahu’s bloodbath in Gaza. But I am also saddened that many Jewish people have been reduced by Netanyahu to become spectators in a genocide just like Adolf Hitler did to Germans. While Western leaders talk of Israel’s right to self-defense, they should remember that Hitler sought to exterminate Jews using the same justification. He claimed the Jews were undermining the German volk. His mission was to defend Germany against destruction by internal enemies – Jews. How can many Israelis fail to see these parallels?



  1. Andrew,

    You need to be very careful about the way you are addressing Israelites in this matter. You have no idea of what Israel is and the Biblical background of Israel. Therefore watch your mouth very very well how you write things against the nation of Israel.

    Be very careful lest you fall prey in the hands of the Almighty God Who’s in charge of all these things going on. You are always fond of supporting terrorist groups in your articles and this time again you are in opposition to Israel. This is a holy war and Divinely backed by heaven.

    Please be warned…

    • Your reaction can be explained by a deliberate ignorance of the colonial reality of Zionism.
      You like other “well-meaning” Evangelicals makes you complicit in genocide against the Palestinians, as Israel continues to pursue its Zionist vision with impunity. It reeks of support of violent settler colonialism in Palestine.

      Please do not use the term ‘Israelite’ in the current context of the middle east. We are dealing with an artificial state called “Israel”.
      The correct term is “Israeli” a CITIZEN of the STATE of Israel as it currently exists.

      1). Where are the inaccuracies in Mr. Mwenda’s message?
      2). Accusing Israel of apartheid, racism and brutality is neither anti-Semitic nor anti-Bibilical.
      3). Israeli authorities must be held accountable for committing the crime of apartheid and the crime of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians. The Israeli state has enforced and continues a system of oppression and domination against the Palestinian people wherever it has control over their rights.
      4). Hamas, a reactionary group, is a creation of the Israeli state. You do not nurture a viper as a pet with the objective of harming your rivals, and think that it will not harm you.
      5). While the Hamas attack on Oct. 7 was a terrible thing, you cannot justify (on the basis of the Bible), the murder of more than 8,000 Palestinians (civilians), by Israeli bombardments. It is Palestinians who have lived under Israeli occupation for decades.

      By your own logic, are you condoning the denial of basic human rights to Palestinians on the basis of the Bible?
      Are you justifiyng a system built around the institutionalized and prolonged racist oppression of millions of people on the basis of the Bible?

    • Your reaction is evidence of the effect of religion on logic. The bible is a collection of the jingoistic writings of a defiant people, heavily edited, with lots of fiction and fantasy. The “Almighty God” being part of the fantasy. It is not a history book, it is a compilation of stories and philosophy.

    • Now listen to an Ignoramus like this one.

  2. I wonder why you defend museveni and Kagame inspite of the systematic genoside and atrocities they have committed in the name of Tutsification on the region. The atrocities and the systematic genocide museveni did to the people of northern Uganda is telling. In Rwanda and Congo, UNHCR report established that the number of people who have died is estimated higher than those killed in Rwanda genocite. Read the tabulent decade by Ogata Focus on your poor country. Rich countries have ways they do things that make and have made them richer.

  3. 1.In law questioning skills are vital;how come ever since the Gaza war broke out;no Arab leader has condemned the Palestinians for the provocation;when there are bomb blasts they never condemn such acts why?Do they condone it?
    2.There is always room for negotiations ,ceasing fire during conflicts but in this war;there is no word sorry from the Palestinians,there is no communication,commitment which are key factors in resolving conflicts.
    3.In the minds of the Hamas everyday is fools day.
    4.The Hamas knew that at some point there will be massive demonstrations and condemnations by international bodies against Israel and they would feel shy to continue with the attacks then they would continue with their foolhardy for me this war may bring permanent sanity in Gaza though its unfortunate that it comes at a high cost.
    5.Are the Muslims in the Arab world normal?Location x is bombed and people dont flee?May be there is need for John Hopkins institute to do further research about these people’s psychology How come death does not scare the hell out of them?When war breaks out in Congo;women and children flee for safety which should be the natural reaction but the Arabs just look on .
    5.No single life was going to be lost because coz Israel had warned the people of Gaza to flee.This makes the CIA and Mossad believe that those who stayed behind are Hamas collaborators.
    6.I just love the intelligence of the Americans they sent their own CIA director William burns to access the situation which i think will provide solutions to this extremists?
    7.How should Israel survive socially yet surrounded by a sea of Muslim sates?
    8.The wall that separates Gaza from Israel should be respected by the Hamas.
    9.I dont think the Israeli hostages are still alive thats why they dont care.
    10.The images on international media show press,medical and Red cross personnel on ground;normally medical teams are educated and a bit realistic and would have yielded to the call to vacate Gaza are the Hamas just dressed in medical attire?
    11.Who is the over all Grand Imam for the Muslims what does he think of some of his flock?
    12..wars resulted in formation of great states like Israel and Britain.During the recent coronation of King Charles we all witnessed the ceremony being presided by the Most Reverend Justin Welby;During the inauguration ceremonies of Presidents;they take oath using the bible,the Bible that George Washington used while taking oath is still kept what does this mean every sense person still believes that God is our protector.I really cried when Bishop of the Anglican Church Kazimba joined M7’s and Janet ‘s hand during his wedding anniversary and he was ok with it.
    13.I really love the title the Most Reverend .By the way is it ok to say that a religious leader is handsome or the spirits will attack me?Bishop Mutebi and Elvis Mbonye are handsome actually Mbonye resembles John Legend.Rajab has never heard of John legend he may think its a Phone.

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