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Uganda launches new HIV and AIDS treatment guidelines

A Ugandan woman undergoing tests. PHOTO MIN OF HEALTH

Uganda’s Minister of State for Health Sarah Opendi has launched new HIV and AIDS treatment guidelines.

In the new guidelines, anyone infected with HIV should begin antiretroviral treatment soon after diagnosis. All HIV-infected individuals will now be eligible for antiretroviral treatment regardless of disease stage or CD-4 cell count.

The guidelines that were launched, one of several activities as the world marks AIDS Day, are in alignment with the global targets which aim to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. These targets include 90% of people living with HIV being aware of their HIV infection, 90% of those receiving antiretroviral treatment, and 90% of people on ART having no detectable virus in their blood.

With this “test and treat” recommendation, all limitations on eligibility for antiretroviral therapy (ART) among people living with HIV/AIDS are removed.

“In order for sound implementation, testing and treatment for HIV infection is readily available and those undergoing treatment are supported to adhere to recommended regimens and are retained in care,” according to a statement from Ministry of Health.

The Ministry of Health statement added that, “with these new guidelines we will incrementally enroll new clients on ART from the current coverage of 61% to reach 80% by 2020.The Ministry will aggressively monitor the attainment of these targets across all population groups in the country to make sure that no one is left behind.”

The Ministry is releasing a circular to all health facilities, and has also developed a comprehensive roll out plan, that will ensure that all facility staff across the country are trained on the new guidelines, and that facilities are supported to requisition for adequate stock of antiretroviral drugs to meet the slightly added demand for ARVs.

Minister Opendi hailed partners, U.S. Embassy Kampala World Health Organization, Uganda UNICEF Uganda UNAIDS The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Clinton Health Access Initiative DFID – UK Department for International Development DANIDA unfpa – Uganda and other International and National NGOs, Academic Institutions and Health Workers.

Uganda has made notable progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

There is high coverage of People Living with HIV on the ART program from about 329,000 in 2011 to about 834,931 in 2015 and the reduction in AIDS related deaths from 63,000 in 2013 to 28,000 in 2015.

Uganda is implementing a robust HIV and AIDS response following a combination HIV prevention approach. The focus of this approach has been the implementation of high impact structural, behavioural and biomedical interventions.

Interventions undertaken by the Ministry include: HIV Counseling and Testing, Family Planning, Condom distribution to targeted audiences, providing ART to all HIV positive people among others

As a result of this approach, the country has observed significant achievements such as declines in new HIV infections, decline in AIDS related deaths as well as a significant increase in the number of people living with HIV/AIDS who receive care and treatment.





  1. Does HIV and AIDS really exist?
    Specialized article by Prof. L. Dayeng, founder of the scientific research center of the Dayeng Foundation.
    So-called AIDS drugs block the DNA copying process on the cell level, and thus a vital process. Any healthy or sick person, whether “HIV-positive” or not, will die in a very short period of time under aggravating conditions. Mostly within one to two years. Very few people have survived this “cure” for more than 3 years.
    What is happening here? If there is really evidence that a HI virus exists that produces AIDS, scientific documents should still exist. But, there are no such documents.
    Originally Posted by Dr. Heinz Ludwig Sänger, Professor of Molecular Biology and Virology from the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, (Germany): “To date, there is not a single scientifically convincing proof of the existence of HIV.”

    All HI virus models you know from the media are not real photos, but computer graphics. In fact, a HI virus has not yet been detected. The acceptance of this simple fact is difficult for many people. After all, there are so-called HIV tests. Even with this theme, everything is different than most people think. In these so-called HIV tests, a certain virus is not detected, for example, a virus is not searched for. It is only searched for increased activity of antibodies. What does that mean? If a person suffers harmless viral infection at the time of the HIV test, he is likely to get a positive test result for HIV. Examples of relatively harmless antibody activities include: naturally occurring antibodies, influenza, vaccination, upper respiratory infections, current viral infections, antibodies to rheumatoid arthritis, lymph node swelling, blood transfusion, herpes disease, tetanus vaccination, renal failure, hepatitis, and hepatitis B, cancer diseases and so on. It is therefore sufficient for an increased antibody activity to make you an AIDS patient. There is currently no recognized standard for the detection of HIV infection, even the manufacturer of these tests makes this statement itself. Of course, no corresponding test can exist, as no HI virus (HIV) has been found so far. The manufacturer Hexal will now provide even healthy people with immune-debilitating drugs. So very slowly: Healthy people should prophylactically consume drugs for a disease that does not exist. This is a fantastic move from the pharmaceutical industry to make even more billions of profits. The people who still do not understand what is going on in classical medicine will inevitably become victims of an outstandingly organized business.

    We, the independent, scientific research center of the Dayeng Foundation, have examined many so-called “AIDS sufferers” in 6 countries. We have never found a so-called HI virus (HIV). We have found several known viruses in some of the investigated ones, but they do not have any relevant, negative properties. We found no viruses in most of the investigated AIDS patients. However, we found a very weak immune system in all the investigated people. Only the so-called AIDS drugs were responsible for this immune deficiency. From our scientific knowledge, we have developed a therapy to stabilize and repair the immune system destroyed by the drugs. The results were and are that all treated patients (alleged AIDS sufferers), after therapy, were healthy.
    You can now decide if you still believe in an industry that makes billions of profits on so-called AIDS drugs, or trust independent scientists whose only goal is to really help people. Decide quickly before your life ends. Another general good advice: Avoid pharmaceuticals if you want to stay healthy. Pharmaceuticals have never cured a disease, on the contrary, pharmaceuticals are responsible for most diseases. Now many people still say: “That can not be anything.” Think about the following. Why should so many international scientists, including Nobel laureates, claim something that is not true? What advantage would have all these scientists to publish it wrong facts? Further, think about why this industry, which makes billions of profits on AIDS drugs, can not show a HI virus. If it is about your own life, then you should ask yourself some of these questions.
    Prof. Dr. L. Dayeng, independent, scientific research center

  2. The Dayeng Foundation has a new web address: http://dayeng.foundation

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