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VIDEO: Nakiwala blocked from speaking before president

VIDEO: Nakiwala Kiyingi blocked from speaking before president

Kampala, Uganda | NBS TV | Are Ugandans becoming more intolerant, or do some leaders deserve to be treated harshly because of how they work?

From the stopping of Simeo Nsubuga, to pouring of water on Kahinda Otafiire, to undressing before Minister Betty Amongi and the latest youth blocking State Minister for Youth Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi from addressing them.


One comment

  1. our own leaders re one selling us so far what am seeing now was not there during colonial rule and even the past leaders were so kind to thier subject,Hon Amongi should oppen her eyes and stop grabing our land,Am even waiting to see if Brd GGwanga is brought to book for alleged malicioua damage,
    bez if for the purpose of job creation govt wouldnt be using force to get the land,Hon Amongi should take care acholi people re not easy bez they re using her as asteeping stone why dont govt take that devt to western also or it is northern people only who needs job,Are they there no land in other parts of uganda,there is alogic in this Acholi land for sure
    so ure own dog can bite u
    we voted our leaders they the one coming back to hurts us we have to vote wisely next time

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